Mighty Mouse(Fun Format)


Aspiring Trainer
So my league leader, who is awesome by the way created this format about a year ago called Mighty Mouse. The Premise is that you can use any cards available in all sets, so long as your pokemon are 100HP or less. It follows the standard deck building rules, 60 card decks, Only four copies of each card etc. etc. The only stipulation to the format is that there is a Ban list and a Restricted list, to keep from over powered decks to overwhelm the format and allow for a lot of creative deckbuilding. For instance the sabeleye and porygon used in Porydonk are banned. Not to mention this format allows us to use older cards that we may have not had the chance to use when they were in there heyday! Overall the format has been extremely fun, and seeing the many decks that the kids build has been awesome!

I just wanted to share this format with you all, and maybe spread the awesome around. If you guys are interested more, I will share the current ban list with you.
Moved from the TCG Help & Advice to the TCG News & Discussion as the OP is not looking for help and rather discussion. ~bbninjas