Ruling Mightyena DS


Aspiring Trainer

Would his second attack with no other bench pokemon be 20, since he is dark and metal?
I spoke to alot of people about this issue and you Dont get the benefit for Dark/Metal Pokemon. So Mightyena DS only applies 10 damage, not 20. Same goes for Umbreon DS and Dark Steelix. Each Dark or Metal Pokemon adds 10 damage. Dark/Metal combination types Dont add 20. If they did, then Mightyena would be much better :)
Team Compendium said:
== GANG UP (Mightyena - EX:Delta Species)

Q. If a Pokémon is more than one type, does Mightyena's "Gang Up" attack add 20 damage when counting that Pokémon (+10 for each type)?
A. No. It looks at all of your Pokémon in play - is it either Metal and/or Dark? Great, +10 more damage for that Pokémon. (EX:Delta Species FAQ; Nov 3, 2005 PUI Rules Team)
There's the official ruling from the Gym.
I remember (before the ruling) that this deck was expected to be the deck that sweeps away cities...and look at what it turned out to be. =(