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Miltank / Butterfree


Lost Deck Builder

  • 4 Miltank
    3 Caterpie
    3 Metapod
    3 Butterfree

  • 4 Skyla
    2 Colress
    2 Shauna
    2 N
    2 Professor Sycamore
    3 Lysandre
    2 Switch
    2 Professor's Letter
    4 Ultra Ball
    3 Float Stone
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    2 Virbank City Gym
    3 Muscle Band
    1 Sacred Ash
    2 Energy Retrieval
    3 Pokemon Catcher

  • 9 Grass Energy

Strategy: Basically you are getting Miltank and Butterfree out as soon as possible even T1 if possible. See an evo line switch them out and destroy it before it has a chance to evolve.
RE: Miltank/Butterfree/Garbodor

Not sure that Garbodor is a good addition because this kind of deck usually focuses on just getting big attacks off every turn. Garbodor may slow you down more than the opponent.
RE: Miltank/Butterfree/Garbodor

Pyroar is the only thing I'm thinking of, too many of them run in league. If I take that line out it would be.

-2 Trubbish
-2 Garbodor
-3 Float Stones

Not sure what to place in besides maybe N, Shauna, Colress, & Sycamore.
RE: Miltank / Butterfree / Garbodor

So I am updating my list with

-2 Trubbish
-2 Garbodor
-3 Float Stones

+3 Lysandre
+3 Pokemon Catcher
+1 Energy Retrieval

It will be an annoying deck not allowing evo lines to happen. See one kill one before it starts.