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Miltank / Empoleon / Dusknoir


I am Neos. Who are you?

  • 4 Miltank
    4 Piplup
    2 Prinpulp
    4 Empoleon
    2 Duskull
    1 Dusknoir
    1 Exeggute

  • 4 Juniper
    2 Fan Club
    3 N
    2 Skyla
    2 Colress
    2 Shauna
    1 Lysandre
    4 Ultra Ball
    4 Rare Candy
    2 Sacred Ash
    4 Muscle Band
    1 Startling Mega Phone
    1 Escape Rope
    1 Computer Search
    1 Professor Letter

  • 8 Water Energy

The strategy of this deck is to just hit with Miltank with powerful friends for 80. Or 100 with muscle band. To get the powerful friends to hit 80, you need a stage 2 on your bench. Empoleon is good because of diving draw, discard 1 card, for 2. And thats where exeggute comes in. When he is in the discard pile, you can bring him back because of his effect. All the pokemon attackers only take one energy and hit good numbers, so thats why this deck is good. Dusknoir just moves damage around, and is super good
If you want to use miltank for main attacker, play 3-1-3 dusknoir. 6 'powerful friends' attack can do 600 dmg [with muscle]. You can KO 3 EXs.
Play Duskull FF, him can revive jirachis or egxeccutes, to take izi prizes with sinister hand.

P.S.: Miltank go be smashed by fight types, stg 2 go be smashed by Trevenant and Seismitoad EX.
You can play Shadow circle to remove miltank weakness and darkrai for free retreat or fairy garden and slurpuff for free retreat and out special conditions or aspertia for more life to miltank or mountain ring to protect your bench and keldeo+float stone to retreat and remove special conditions.