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Miltank / Hydreigon


Frontier Brain
This is a deck for the new expanded format. It needs testing but it looks very good.

Pokemon: (15)

  • 4 Miltank (FLF)
    3-2-3 Hydreigon (Dark Trance)
    2 Darkrai EX

  • 3 Bicycle
    3 Level Ball
    4 Ultra Ball
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    3 Random Receiver
    1 Dowsing Machine
    4 Muscle Band
    3 Rare Candy
    3 N
    3 Juniper
    2 Colress
    2 Virbank Gym
Energy: (10)

  • 10 Darkness

Edited to coincide with the rules. Please make sure to put in that strategy so we can help you better. Thanks! :D ~Kecleon
RE: (Expanded Format) Miltank/Hydreigon

Looks good so far, just remember. If you want to play this in the 2014-05 rotation, you'll need to ditch the Level Balls. Otherwise, for other thoughts, get rid of 1 of your Rare Candy's. Since this deck has no way of dealing with Pyroar, I would also recommend FuF Beartic, since they cover Pyroar's Weakness and Landorus-EX's Weakness.
RE: (Expanded Format) Miltank/Hydreigon

GadgetJax said:
Looks good so far, just remember. If you want to play this in the 2014-05 rotation, you'll need to ditch the Level Balls. Otherwise, for other thoughts, get rid of 1 of your Rare Candy's. Since this deck has no way of dealing with Pyroar, I would also recommend FuF Beartic, since they cover Pyroar's Weakness and Landorus-EX's Weakness.

This deck doesn't need Beartic since NintendoAlian has a counter for Pyroar. Hydreigon. In this, I'd probably remove 4 Darkness Energy and go with the Blend GFDP from Dragon's Exalted. Acts like Darkness Energy but provides the Psychic Energy needed for Hydregion to use.

I'd also remove the Bicycle and Level Ball as you already have enough searching power with 4 Ultra Balls. Add in 4 Dark Patch and 1 Super Rod and that'll be enough. 2 Random Receiver is enough as you need more draw support so another Juniper will help. 3 Deino seems a little low so change 1 Zweilous into a Deino.

So this is how the list will work.

Pokemon (16)
4 Miltank (FuF)
4-1-3 Hydreigon (Dark Trance)
3 Darkrai EX

Trainers (34)
4 Dark Patch
4 Ultra Balls
1 Super Rod
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
2 Random Receiver
1 Dowsing Machine
4 Muscle Band
3 Rare Candy
4 Professor Juniper
3 N
2 Colress
2 Virbank City Gym

Energy (10)
6 Darkness Energy
4 GFDP Blend Energy

EDIT: Miscounted the amount of Trainers. Edited to show this.
If its for extended format, level ball is completely fine to play.

Idk if i would play Miltank in this deck, it seems like a pretty good idea, but the fighting weakness is just going to be so painful. For that same reason the main attacker shouldnt be darkrai. Maybe 1 or 2 Darkrai at most.

However, if you plan on using shadow circle then there is no problem. If a pokemon has dark energy attached to it, that pokemon has no weakness.

If you are using shadow circle, mewtwo is a must for this deck. Being able to completely destroy mewtwo wars is a great feeling. 1 Mewtwo could take down an entire team of them with max potion, and shadow circle.

I also dont understand why this deck wouldn't run yveltal.
Why would you not also incorporate Yveltal EX and Junk Hunting Sableye? One is still an awesome attacker and the other compliments D decks so very well.