Mime Jr. from Call of Legends (#47) [3/9]


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Guiding questions:
1. Analyze the stats of the card (HP, Weakness, Resistance, Retreat cost).
2. Analyze the attacks (and/or Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies) of the card.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
4. What techs can you use to combat the weak points?
5. How's the artwork?
6. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).

Posts MUST be more than one sentence long with proper grammar and spelling or they will be deleted.
1. Analyze the stats of the card (HP, Weakness, Resistance, Retreat cost).
30 HP is average for a baby Pokemon, same with no weakness, Resistance, or Retreat Cost.

2. Analyze the attacks (and/or Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies) of the card.
The attack can cause major disruption if played right, and poke-body is the same as all Baby Pokemon, good but flippy.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Use it with Chatot G and Slowking HS/CoL and Lost World, re-arrange their top decks, and send top card to the Lost zone.

4. What techs can you use to combat the weak points?
Defenders, Buffer Piece, not much else.

5. How's the artwork?
Looks pretty sweet, 4.5/5.

6. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
3.5/5 Not to good in this format but has some potential next season if it can survive on coin flips and low HP.
1. Analyze the stats of the card (HP, Weakness, Resistance, Retreat cost).
30 Hp is just a joke. I realize it's a baby, but to use this in a lost Zone deck is too risky, and the fact that the top card may not be a pokemon, you risk giving your opponent the knock-out without having sent a pokemon to the lost zone.

2. Analyze the attacks (and/or Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies) of the card.
It's a Baby pokemon and they always have one of two effects, this one is the only one keeping the baby alive. And even then there are ways around it like warp point, pokemon circulator, pokeblower, and with the Pokemon Catcher coming in Black and White this thing will be KO'd before you blink.

3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
I guess you can use it with Slowking from HGSS and Chatot G to rearrange the top of your opponent's deck. Mew prime can also be used to use Mime Jr's attack but then you don't get Sweet Sleeping Face and Mew prime is too vulnerable.

4. What techs can you use to combat the weak points?
Snowpoint temple can give it a little HP boost but 50 HP isnt much better.

5. How's the artwork?
I don't like how Mime Jr looks in the first place and this art doesnt help. The only cool thing it the vortex.

6. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
1/5 Just too weak to hold up on it's own. And even with Sweet Sleeping Face it's not completely invulnerable.
1. Analyze the stats of the card (HP, Weakness, Resistance, Retreat cost).
It has poor hp, not able to survive 2 hits from practically everything, but it has no weakness or retreat, which is very good.
2. Analyze the attacks (and/or Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies) of the card.
It's Pokepower is extremely useful. After its no energy attack, it is semi invulnerable, and can stall well.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
Since it is one card that needs no energies, and if I'm correct, does not make you lose a prize card when it faints, use it in decks to stall during setup. Watch out for attacks with "This attack isn't effected by weakness, resistance, poke-powers, poke-bodies, or any other effects on the defending pokemon" attacks.
4. What techs can you use to combat the weak points?
It is a tech. Use it to help your team have a few extra turns to set up.
5. How's the artwork?
My favorite out of Mime Jr, or Mr. Mime
6. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
1.5/5. Outside of a few turn stall and putting a few of your opponents cards in the lost zone, it's useless.
Of course during the time it took to type this, 2 other people beat me to it. :3
1. BAD HP, no weakness is good but IMO pretty useless anyways, no resistance, again it really wouldn't matter and the free retreat is great.

2. I love the body, its attack IMO is underrated and could one day be a staple in LostGar or as a rogue.

3. I liked it w/ Slowking and tried for about a month and half to get it to work w/ AGX, Slowking, Blaze(anti dialga) and Chatot g. Ultimately failed :(

4. I think it is a tech right now but if the format slows down it DEFINITELY has potential to be a tier deck.

5. I LOVE this artwork, its just so good, 9/10

6. 3/5, overall i'd say it a good card but 40 HP would make it a lot better, its attack is useful and could be a good card in the right metagame(not right now w/ D-Chomp and trainerlock though :(
This card would have potential save for superior alternatives. We see no Weakness, a plus, but not an issue because it has only 30 HP. Ridiculously low, dies to anything that can hold a stick. Free retreat is nice, especially considering its low retreat cost. This card is pretty much a standalone. It can be used as a tech in Palkia G LV. X or Gengar Prime decks, but it doesn't sync well with many techs as support for it. Snowpoint temple may be able to prevent it from Shadow Room OHKO's, but at that point one may as well just wish to stay asleep. The expected strategy is to use its attack with Slowking HS (Which, as it turns out, is a tech which syncs well with it as support, so I stand corrected), and get 6 Pokemon in the opponent's Lost Zone quickly, while using Sweet Sleeping Face to stay alive. Dialga G LV. X completely demolishes this deck, not to mention flipping heads. The art is okay. I don't really want to look at a CGI crying Mime Jr...Overall rating: 2/5. It would have considerable potential if it weren't for Gengar Prime, Dialga G LV. X, Palkia G LV. X, and coins which have a heads side.
1. Analyze the stats of the card (HP, Weakness, Resistance, Retreat cost).
HP is normal on the HGSS babies, but still frightening for something that doesn't evolve. It has no weakness or retreat, which is good, but it has no resistance. That's not great.
2. Analyze the attacks (and/or Poke-Powers, Poke-Bodies) of the card.
Everyone knows the Sweet Sleeping Face Poké-Body, and its effect. Sleepy Lost is OK for a baby.
3. What combos can you use it with? How so?
I can see it being used in LostGar w/Chatot G or some other card that can re-arrange the topdeck.
4. What techs can you use to combat the weak points?
Since it relies on luck, Chatot G can help. You can attach an Expert Belt to this, but you're still going to give your Opponent a cheap 2 prizes. In a pinch, you can attach Unown E to it.
5. How's the artwork?
I like the artwork. It gives this baby some real detail. 4/5.
6. Give it a rating, and explain why you have given it that rating. You can also rate the card by rating the thread itself (out of 5 stars).
I'd give this card a 2/5. With a bit of coin flip luck, you can be a disaster for your Opponent, but this Pokémon can make your Opponent laugh if you don't have good luck. Even if you set up a Chatot G and this card, you still might give your Opponent a cheap prize during their next turn.