Mirror Cards

Anyone notice only strategists can post in the review comment thread?

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Tomokazu Komiya

He's cool. Sorta.
Some cards have the same attack damage and effects... the only difference is their type, name, HP, resistance, and weakness. For example:


Let's look for some more. (They don't have to be this card)
Tomo, how come you always link to a dutch site?

anyways, nice finding, all 3 of them are very bad cards, but all almost the same. (man, 40 HP and self-damage, how bad can it get)

wow, Nintendo is very original...
hmm. That's sort of weird, but still it's pretty much a different card all-together except for that.

But still, good looking. If anyone else notices these, I'd like to know about it :)

Arcanine out.
RE:  Mirror Cards

cute-mew said:
Tomo, how come you always link to a dutch site?
Well, that dutch site is the only one I can find that has a scan of EVERY SINGLE AMERICAN CARD EVER RELEASED. It's pretty impressive. :D

Here's 2 more:
^ ha, I know someone who owns a dutch site, and I'm not sure, but it could be that one... really, he buys cards, makes a scan, then trades them
*I really think it's that one, but not 100% sure*
well i didn't look at the atack's but poke-body on flygon delta ex=dark t-tar 20/109trr poke-body and walrein poke-power=t-tar delta poke-power.
I like those kind of cards they are cool and the site you refered to is a very good site for scans. I don't have room in my sig or I would have it there because he has every single set cards and almost all the promo's.:)
Why is this such a bad thing again? Would you much rather see basics (as in basics with the only intention is for them to evolve) with really powerful attacks that break the game? There are so only so many attacks that are weak enough for those kind of basics.
Well, IMO, that has no use at all. If you have ever noticed, alot of cards got the same things on them. See Treecko RS and Zubat DS, Slugma UF and Poliwag UF, Wingull RS and Spoink EM. There's a bunch more that I can't remember right now. But there are so many "mirror" cards out there, that those are insignificant.
Those type of pokemon are starter pokemon and were meant for that purpose.That is why there are alot of cards made that way.:)

^same name, same attack name, same Damages and effects, same Weakness, Resistnce and retreat cast
^ that's what we like to call a reprint, you can use the pikachu from base set in your modified deck cause it's reprinted, ok, no mirror, a meant-to-be-exactly-the-same
what do u guys want more?
do u guys expect a basic ( which can evolve into stage 2) atks for 100? or 200?

anyway thinking the atk's name is not that easy.
Look, I never said there was a problam with this, I just meant that it was kind of funny that they took the exact same moves and stuck them on another card. I never heard anyone complaining about it; did you?
We've never heard about someone complaining about it because it really DOESN'T MATTER. They are just useless basics that aren't MAINLY used, see? If they were used for ATTACKING, and that isn't the reason for why they were created, every1 would complain about it. Sorry if I look offensive.
They might be useless to you guys but they also make some of those cards for collectors and for some they like those kind of cards.:)