hey everyone
Feel free 2 comment (i really like that XD)
here it comes!:
1x Gengar lv x
2x Gengar Prime
1x gengar (curse or knockout hmmm)
3x haunter
3x gastly
1x flygon lv X
2x flygon (rainbow Float)
2x vibrava
2x trapinch
1x spiritbomb
2x mismagius
2x misdreavus
1x blissey (nurse call)
1x chansey
Trainer/supporters : 22
4x Lost World
2x copycat
3x pokemon communication
3x bebe's search
4x Professor Oak's New Theory
2x Rare Candy
2x Dual Ball
1x intervieuwers Question
1x energy retrieval
Energy's :14
14x psychic energy
plz help me XD
always comment XD
hey everyone the idea =
to know what the opponent has in his/her hand and what to do againts it
(i thought about adding Mr mime so i can see his hand but then he also see's my hand wich aint really handy
plz feel free 2 comment as much as you can XD
here it comes!:
1x Gengar lv x
2x Gengar Prime
1x gengar (curse or knockout hmmm)
3x haunter
3x gastly
1x flygon lv X
2x flygon (rainbow Float)
2x vibrava
2x trapinch
1x spiritbomb
2x mismagius
2x misdreavus
1x blissey (nurse call)
1x chansey
Trainer/supporters : 22
4x Lost World
2x copycat
3x pokemon communication
3x bebe's search
4x Professor Oak's New Theory
2x Rare Candy
2x Dual Ball
1x intervieuwers Question
1x energy retrieval
Energy's :14
14x psychic energy
plz help me XD
always comment XD
hey everyone the idea =
to know what the opponent has in his/her hand and what to do againts it
(i thought about adding Mr mime so i can see his hand but then he also see's my hand wich aint really handy
plz feel free 2 comment as much as you can XD