What MMORPG/FPS is better?

  • Ragnarok Online

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Maplestory

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Trickster

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • WOW Private Server

    Votes: 5 45.5%
  • DarkEden

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • GunZ

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • C&C Renegade

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters


I plan on getting a new computer and stop playing Pacman >.>
533 mhz, basically that's all you can do.
Well since you want a MMORPG I recommend Grand chase
GC is not really a good game, its like Capcom vs Marvel type thing. and maplestory gets boreing after a while >.> Soo I would just play RuneScape.

Trickster is a great game if you can handle paying real money to be powerful. Otherwise, I woud go with Runescape.

No Perfect World? :(

Runescape is terrabad. It's honestly for 9 year olds who don't know what quality is.
I recently registered for Perfect World, because one of my friends recommended it. And yes, I am not in favor of Runescape. Once I get a better computer I will be playing Perfect World or a WOW Private Server. :D I play Maplestory on occasion, and I started Ragnarok, but getting money on the game is a bit frustrating.
May I ask, why is WOW Private Server one of the options and no such option as WoW (yes, it is WoW and not WOW) Official server? I do realise 15€/monthly is far from being cheap, but IMO it is worth it.

Private server is for 2 kinds of people:
-Noobs, who can not level to 80. It took me about 20day of playtime and I know it does not seem worth it to many of you, but
PAP said:
IMO it is worth it
(and 20 days is alot, I am leveling a druid now and it goes alot faster, now that I know game quite well).
-Poor people that can not afford it. If you're in that kind, then I feel sorry for you and I highly recommend playing Guild Wars instead. No monthly fee and unlike WoW private servers people are serious there. A very good MMORPG.

80 Nelf priest - Devk of Kilrogg EU.

Thank you.
I suppose this thread is for discussion of MMORPGs in general, it's not really clear.. =S

Anyway, I love MMOs they're great fun. In the past I've played Maple Story, Mabinogi, Final Fantasy XI and a bit of Ragnarok Online. Currently though, I'm mainly playing World of Warcraft (legitimately). I don't mean to go off on a tangent, but please support Blizzard and do not play private servers guys, it's not only not right but is also absolutely nothing like the real experience, you're missing out big time. Besides WoW, I'm also currently playing Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine Online by Atlus and Aeria Games. It's an MMO based on Atlus' MegaTen universe, the English version of the game is currently in closed beta. I highly recommend the game, so be sure to check it out when open beta comes around, especially if you're a MegaTen fan.
PaperAirplane :F said:
May I ask, why is WOW Private Server one of the options and no such option as WoW (yes, it is WoW and not WOW) Official server? I do realise 15€/monthly is far from being cheap, but IMO it is worth it.

Private server is for 2 kinds of people:
-Noobs, who can not level to 80. It took me about 20day of playtime and I know it does not seem worth it to many of you, but
PAP said:
IMO it is worth it
(and 20 days is alot, I am leveling a druid now and it goes alot faster, now that I know game quite well).
-Poor people that can not afford it. If you're in that kind, then I feel sorry for you and I highly recommend playing Guild Wars instead. No monthly fee and unlike WoW private servers people are serious there. A very good MMORPG.

80 Nelf priest - Devk of Kilrogg EU.

Thank you.

I agree... private servers are for nOObS that "can't" afford it or more like DON'T wanna pay for it. It is time consuming and yes most people think that it is a waste of time (which it is), but the only reason why they think that is because they've never tried it out for themselves. People that don't like WoW because they say its boring are kinda dumb. Blizz does probably put out all of those "Invite a Friend" advertisements just because they want for money and players, but people should look at that and say, "Hey, maybe it wouldn't be a bad idea to ruin my friends' lives by giving them WoW for Christmas/Hanuakkah/Kwanza." Also, you can't say crap about WoW and how "expensive" it is when it really isn't.

The one thing i disagree with is the fact that coming up with $15.00 a month isn't really that hard. I don't even have a job with all my money locked in the bank for "College" or whatever and i still manage to come up with it. You could probably find that amount on the ground in one day if you really looked hard (NOT recomended because people might think your a hobo). So just to all of those people out there DON'T LOOK FOR $15.00 ON THE GROUND BUT ALSO DON'T SAY WOW SUCKS WHEN YOU'VE NEVER PLAYED IT.

Peace all you MMO playa's :D

75 Belf Spriesty-Alcadeias Darkspear

WoW Private Server? :-o

Why do you need to play at a private server? It'll be useless, since it's A WHOLE LOT different from the original WoW. When you're playing on a private server, the fun just isn't there, the hard work will completely disappear.

I played WoW (The Original), and the private server one, and I'm speaking in personal experience that the original one is WAY different from the private one.

Yeah, you need to pay a lot of "moolah", but like what PaperAirplane :F just said, (Wow, it's been a long time :F.) it's really worth it.

Back to the Topic:
Obviously, my answer would be WoW. But, it really depends on the genre you prefer. If you like "Shooting" games, then go with GunZ. If you like cute and cuddly avatars, then go with Maple Story. But, if you're a real hardcore gamer, then go with WoW.

(Gawd! It's been so long since I posted something like this here in 'Beach.)
z-man said:
No Perfect World? :(

Runescape is terrabad. It's honestly for 9 year olds who don't know what quality is.

uhh.. no, haha runescape is a good game and its definatly not for 9 year olds- it isappropriate for much older people than that, if you want to talk about MMORPGS for 9 year olds go look at maplestory, it looks like the inside of a childs coloring book.... thats for 9 year olds. {F}
The only two that I can really judge are Trickster, and MapleStory.. but I didn't stick with either of them for more than a week. Mabinogi is another I played for a little while, but really.. the only two MMO's that I've played and really, really liked are Aeria's Dream of Mirror Online, and Shin Megami Tensei: Imagine. :/
Elite Stride said:
z-man said:
No Perfect World? :(

Runescape is terrabad. It's honestly for 9 year olds who don't know what quality is.

uhh.. no, haha runescape is a good game and its definatly not for 9 year olds- it isappropriate for much older people than that, if you want to talk about MMORPGS for 9 year olds go look at maplestory, it looks like the inside of a childs coloring book.... thats for 9 year olds. {F}
-_- I didn't say maplestory WASN'T for 9 year olds. Runescape has no quality in gameplay, and thus its only for those who don't know anything about quality. It's probably the worst MMO on the market.