Modified green deck 2010-2011


Aspiring Trainer
Just got back into the game and have no idea whats what. I kinda want to build green but i have no idea what i should be working towards.

So what do you think the average green deck would look like in the
2010-2011 modified format?
your going to need to move this thread to the fix my deck page and write out every card in your deck here is a link to the proper way to post it too
Uhmm.... PokePain? I think he need help to make a deck, not to post a deck.

Green deck? You do mean Grass deck?
@PokePain the point was i have no idea where to start not that i had i deck that i wanted fixed

@GoldenDP yea sorry, ive been playing magic too long
Type based decks never work in competitive play. It is better to build a deck around a specific Pokemon regardless of type. Grass Pokemon do have a lot of support though. Try Jumpluff, it did really well this year and may be alright next season.
Alex(charm)ander said:
Type based decks never work in competitive play. It is better to build a deck around a specific Pokemon regardless of type. Grass Pokemon do have a lot of support though. Try Jumpluff, it did really well this year and may be alright next season.

No. Don't play Jumpluff if you're just starting out. Play something simple that you can handle. Plus, we really don't need any more Jumpluff players.
Rikko145 said:
No. Don't play Jumpluff if you're just starting out. Play something simple that you can handle. Plus, we really don't need any more Jumpluff players.

Jumpluff is the simplest deck to start out with. Its easy to set up, straightforward to play and doesn't have any major snags you can get yourself into. And Sunflora is a good way to run the deck that also isn't expensive.

Yanmega prime and Leafeon UD will also be popular next format.
Popular grass decks after the rotation will be (in my opinion):

Jumpluff HS
Yanmega Prime CATS
(Some combination of) Leafeon
Vileplume/Victreebel Lock (Just realized this! Probably more of a tech to a grass deck, but oh well) RL/CATS

Some techs will be:

Shaymin Lv.X Land Forme PT (HP)
Sunflora HS (Search)
Roserade UL (Special conditions)
Copycat/Judge HS/UL (Yanmega Prime ONLY!)

I just built a Jumpluff and the only expensive thing is the Jumpluff. (Unless you're running Shaymin Lv.X Land Forme) It's quite easy to set up, the main attacker (Jumpluff) takes very few energy (one!) to do quite a bit of damage (Up to 120 without an Expert Belt)
Rikko145 said:
No. Don't play Jumpluff if you're just starting out. Play something simple that you can handle. Plus, we really don't need any more Jumpluff players.

Jumpluff is the simplest deck there is. "I draw my card, I attatch a {G} Energy, I hit for a lot. My turn again. I draw my card, use Uxie Set UP, Attatch an energy, and hit for a lot."

Other good grass cards would be Lefeon UD [when it comes out], Lefeon Lv. X [obviously], and Torterra/Torterra LV. X [while they're both still out.]
The Power of Three said:
Jumpluff is the simplest deck there is. "I draw my card, I attatch a {G} Energy, I hit for a lot. My turn again. I draw my card, use Uxie Set UP, Attatch an energy, and hit for a lot."

Other good grass cards would be Lefeon UD [when it comes out], Lefeon Lv. X [obviously], and Torterra/Torterra LV. X [while they're both still out.]

True, it's simple, but then you have to think of different ways you can add damage to score the KO's. "Do I want to attach a belt, a pluspower, flash bite, etc...?" I think it can be pretty confusing. I'd go with ScizRim as your first deck. Cheap and easy, with simpler ways to add damage. (No flash bites.)
The problem was never that i needed something easy to play the problem is that i have no idea what a deck would looks like.

I don't really want to play jumpluff.So after that i deiced that i wanted a Yanmega cause someone said he is good (somewhere above this post) and because i like him as a Pokemon. so i tried to look up what a deck for him. And I cant find much of anything expect for a few post where everything is abbreviated and i have no idea what anybody is talking about
You got to wait for the Yanmega that comes out in Clash at the Summit (Check the Japanese Set Spoilers on the main page) for that. He'll come out in our November set.

The basic idea behind the deck is that you use Yanmega's Poke-Body to get free attacks, this is done if your hand is the same size as the hand of your opponent. There are a few cards doing this:
Giratina (Platinum) has a Poke Power letting both players draw up to 4
Judge (Unleashed) both lets players draw up to 4
Copycat (HeartSoul) lets you draw an equal amount to your opponent.

Those cards would be the framework for the deck. 4 Yanmega, 4 Yanma. Then, you want Sunflora (HeartSoul) to keep seeking out your Yanmegas, along with Sunkern...2 of each. Then go for Shaymin LVX (Platinum) and Shaymin (Unleashed) to give you a few more tricks - 40 extra HP.

Coupled with Uxie and his Level X (Legends Awakened), you'd have the start for a very solid deck frame. Dont know if its top tier but...that would be how it'd work.
It seems to me it would be most helpful if someone was to talk with you one on one, so if your interested hit me up with a PM I would love to show you the ropes competitive deck design.
By the way, as someone pointed out to me, Giratina doesn't work because each player draws UP to four cards and you draw your cards first. Still, use Staraptor FB Lv.X to grab your Supporters. I'm still trying to figure out a way to get them back (Marley's Request doesn't work because it's a Supporter itself... sigh, I need a Telepass for myself... Come back, Gardevoir! And get different wording!)
Decmaster said:
By the way, as someone pointed out to me, Giratina doesn't work because each player draws UP to four cards and you draw your cards first. Still, use Staraptor FB Lv.X to grab your Supporters. I'm still trying to figure out a way to get them back (Marley's Request doesn't work because it's a Supporter itself... sigh, I need a Telepass for myself... Come back, Gardevoir! And get different wording!)

VS Seeker much?