Moe1216's Cities Report


Samurai Sea Lion
Advanced Member
Hey guys I'm Moe1216 and this is a report from the last cities tournament I was able to attended before they ended. A little back story for this was that the previous weekend was a 3-day marathon in which I took the truth and made top 4 Friday, but got whooped Saturday and Sunday, which bummed me out immensely. Tuesday or Wednesday of the following week I decided to try and build another Deck and went with 6 Corners as it felt like something that would fit me.
Anyway, the following Saturday all the huge names in my area (Mississippi) were there and I was nervous about how a deck no one else was running or had fought before would do.

Match 1: Jacob W w/ CaKE
Jacob was a guy I had met a BR back in October and was a nice guy. I start off with Virizion and begin setting up while slowing him down at turn 2 by catchering and ko'ing a voltorb with Virizion before he could evolve and energymite. Unfortunately, despite my setup, the cards I needed, my Switches, were no where in sight. Fortunately I managed to get them before I decked myself and took the other five prizes thanks to Victini ko'ing a fully built cobalion, and colbalion taking the other 4 with 3 cards left in the deck.


Match 2: Andy G w/Durant
This match sadly never happened. There was a lunch break between Rounds 1 & 2, and he was 20 minutes. Worse some of my friends went with him and they missed round 2, which sucked because I thought they knew.


Match 3: Mikey P w/ Kyulock
Mikey is a good friend of mine who helped me learn alot about this game and convinced to try and go competitive. Kyulock was a deck he worked on with me and my other friends and it was an awesome deck imo. Sadly he wasn't able to set anything up and Virizion took 5 prizes before he sent up Victini and V-created with Vileplume finally set up on his bench. Cobalion then became active and Iron Breakered for the win. Very bittersweet as I finally beat him in a tournament, but I wanted it to be a closer match.


Match 4: TJ Beech w/ Eelzone
TJ is a guy whom I met during the Summer BR. The battle started off rough as he got a turn 2 Magnezone up and eelektriks soon followed in the next few turns. I managed to take a prize by leaf walloping a tynamo, but he started taking prizes with magnezone. However, after taking 3 prizes (using 8 energy in the process), he realized that I energy-drained him; he only ran 12 and the four he had left were 2 on zekrom, 1 on thundurus, and 1 on Magnezone. I got Kyurem up quickly and glaciated for 3 prizes off his eels and cleffa. He left magnezone to be ko'ed, which put me at only 1 prize left. He then N'd me, but I got a rainbow and was able to leaf wallop for the win after his zekrom had ko'ed my kyurem.


Match 5: Alan S w/ ZACTS (Zekrom,Absol,Cobalion,Terrakion,Shaymin)
Alan was the son of the Couple who ran the tournaments for Mississippi and are incredibly nice people. The match was actually very fast paced with both of us running decks focused around beefy basics. He beat me as I decked myself because I wasn't paying attention and played a PONT with only 6 cards in my deck after playing it and shuffling my hand back in. Because he won, he also got 4-1 and made it to top cut with me.


I made it to top cut! As I looked I saw my friend Tim Porter, TJ, and Alan all made top cut too.

Top 4:

Tim Porter w/Chandelure
Rd 1: Tim started with a loan Jirachi and wasn't able to get anything going even though he went first. By turn 2 I got a built Absol and got the turn 2 donk before 5 minutes passed.


Rd 2: We both got good starts this time with Tim getting up Dodrio and 2 Chandelures like a pro. I ended up losing due to just drawing into nothing while his momentum kept building.


Rd 3: This match started like rd 2, but the momentum fell in my favor as I was able get up Kyurem and consistently glaciate, crippling Tim's strategy. I landed the final blow and shook his hand after 3 awesome games and found myself making top 2 for the first time.


Top 2:

Alan S w/ZACTS
Revenge shall be mine!!! Good news, I've faced him before and knew how to fight him. Downside, the guy is scary good and I learned that every time he took part in a tournament he consistently top-cutted.

Rd 1: This match was probably the roughest match so far because he and I had a prize exchange with both of us losing heavy attackers and crippling each other. The only reason I won this match was because I sage'd, grabbing my last dce, and outraging a cleffa I catchered up.


Rd 2: Another tough match that came down to the last prize for both of us with Shaymin actually taking 2 prizes for him. What the heck? He drew his last card and managed to use his other Shaymin to build a Zekrom up in one turn for a Bolt Strike and won the round.


Rd 3: This match started with only 10 minutes left in the match. The match started off rough for both of us, but it came to a close after Alan accidentally played a Juniper and a PONT in 1 turn and was unable to return it as he had already shuffled his hand in. He accepted the loss. Not how I wanted to win, but that put us at a tie, which I hope to break at States.


I won the last Cities I was able to join in, which was good and bad, as I won, but most of the friends I went with, other than Tim, were unable to make top cut. Hope you guys enjoyed it!
Congrats on getting first. I also don't like getting a win because of a GL penalty. I don't usually give that penalty out when judging unless its States or Regionals.
I didn't like it myself at all. I just sat there wanting to keep the game going, but Alan said he didn't mind it at all since he did the same to me in Swiss and already had over 20 CP while I had only had 4 at the time.

Also should I post the list I used?
EonEye99 said:
Great job! You had some tough competitors!

Thank you! I appreciate it.

This is the decklist I used.

Basic: 14
2 : Terrakion, NV-73
2 : Kyurem, NV-34
2 : Cobalion, NV-100
1 : Victini, NV-15
4 : Virizion, NV-13
1 : Absol (Prime), TM-91
2 : Shaymin, UL-8

Trainers: 11
1 : Super Rod, NV-95
3 : Pokemon Catcher, EP-95
3 : Switch, GS-102
4 : Junk Arm, TM-87
Pokemon Tools: 3
3 : Eviolite, NV-91
Supporters: 15
4 : Professor Juniper, BW-101
3 : Professor Oak's New Theory, GS-101
2 : Sage's Training, UD-77
2 : Seeker, TM-88
4 : Pokemon Collector, GS-97

Special Energy: 9
4 : Rainbow Energy, GS-104
3 : Double Colorless Energy, GS-103
2 : Metal Energy (sp), CL-87
Basic Energy: 8
2 : Water Energy, BW-107
4 : Grass Energy
2 : Fighting Energy
Awesome job! I like your deck list too. It seems very good to play and has good strategy and reasons.
Jirachi said:
Awesome job! I like your deck list too.

First time I heard that online. Thank you. The reason it's like that is because I felt 4 catchers and 4 eviolites felt like too much since I had 4 junk arms. Some people have said the energy count is a bit much, but it saved me in those matches and in playtesting.
Mokoko said:
Congrats on winning! It must be pretty cool to win.

It was, but it wasn't the way I wanted to win. That's why I hope I can battle him again in States; to settle the tie. We both one a match by battling and a technicality.