Friend Code: 0576-4736-3828
Time Zone: Central (USA)
Times Available: Evenings, Nights, and possibly Early Mornings
FC Name: Mistryss
Pokemon X Player Name: Mistryss
Pokemon Y: Valkyrie
Friend Safari: Water : Gyarados, Bibarel, and Poliwhirl
These are mostly from my breeding collection and the Friend Safari. They are all American Pokémon. I am unsure about Hidden Natures or EVs. I have not Super Trained or Amied them. Most should be untouched, unless used for breeding purposes (31+level).
This list will include my haves with their genders, levels, natures, and abilities. No items will be held (this can be negotiated). All can be nicknamed!
--With PokeBank coming out, please no hacks! None of mine are hacks.
--If a trade offer is still pending after a month, I will remove the (pending) sign on the Pokemon. You are free to ask for them again if they are still there. I update my lists immediately after a trade or after an offer is placed on a Pokemon.
****I will still offer Modern Vivillons/lvl. 1 Scatterbugs to those who need them!!! I also have a few other Vivillons for trade.
*** I am offering Sandstorm Vivillions. I will take ANY Pokemon.
Currently Breeding: Cyndaquil, Turtwig, Chimchar, Totodile, Mudkip, and a few other non-native to Kalos, such as Slakoth, Meowth, Phione, Cherubi, Porygon, Feebas, and Castform.
Breeding Next: Finneon, Tropius, Buneary, Kricketot, Elgyem, Baltoy, Ratatta, Koffing, Darumaka, and Bouffalant
Haves (will take any legitimate Pokemon for these):
Garbodor – male, lvl. 30, Bold, Stench
Swirlex – female, lvl. 1, Quiet, Sweet Veil (no item)
Magneton – lvl. 30, Quiet, Sturdy
Dewgong – male, lvl. 30, Timid, Ice Body
Golurk – lvl. 30, Adamant, No Guard
Driftblim – male, lvl. 30, Hasty, Aftermath
Lampent – male, lvl. 30, Careful, Infiltrator
Lapras – male, lvl. 30, Naïve, Hydration
Hariyama – male, lvl. 30, Bold, Guts
Seadra – male, lvl. 35, Sassy, Sniper
Crawdaunt – female, lvl. 35, Quirky, Shell Armor
Wartortle – male, lvl. 30, Lonely, Torrent
Ivysaur – female, lvl. 32, Docile, Overgrow
Quilladin – male, lvl. 30, Hardy, Overgrow
Blitzle- female, lvl. 1, Timid, Motor Drive
Gastly- female, lvl. 1, Rash, Levitate
Gastly- male, lvl.1, Impish, Levitate
Gastly- male, lvl. 1, Docile, Levitate
Houndour- female, lvl. 1, Sassy, Early Bird
Houndour- female, lvl.1, Hardy, Early Bird
Houndour- female, lvl.1, Lonely, Flash Fire
Houndour- female, lvl. 1, Hasty, Early Bird
Houndour- male, lvl. 1, Jolly, Flash Fire
Aron- female, lvl. 1, Rash, Rock Head
Aron- female, lvl. 1, Naughty, Rock Head
Aron- male, lvl. 1, Bold, Sturdy
Aron- male, lvl. 1, Naive, Rock Head
Aron- male, lvl. 1, Modest, Sturdy
Gothita- male, lvl. 1, Adamant, Frisk
Gothita- male, lvl. 1, Careful, Competitive
Numel- male, lvl. 1, Impish, Oblivious
Pawniard- male, lvl. 1, Brave, Defiant
Makuhita- male, lvl. 1, Brave, Thick Fat
Sableye- female, lvl. 1, Docile, Prankster
Shuppet- female, lvl. 1, Naive, Insomnia
Igglybuff- female, lvl. 1, Mild, Competitive
Lickitung - female, lvl.1, Relaxed, Own Tempo
Remoraid- male, lvl.1, Adamant, Sniper
Shroomish- female, lvl. 1, Timid, Poison Heal
Grimer- female, lvl. 1, Naughty, Poison Touch
Shelmet- male, lvl. 1, Hardy, Hydration
Riolu- female, lvl.1, Modest, Steadfast
Hoothoot, female, lvl. 1, Bashful, Keen Eye
Teddiursa- female, lvl. 1, Gentle, Quick Feet
Bellsprout- female, lvl. 1, Naughty, Chlorophyll
Litwick- male, lvl. 1, Calm, Infiltrator
Munchlax- male, lvl. 1 Modest, Pickup
Snorlax- male, lvl. 1, Bold, Thick Fat
Snorlax- male, lvl. 1, Modest, Immunity
Goomy- female, lvl. 1, Modest, Sap Sipper
Goomy- female, lvl. 1, Naive, Sap Sipper
Goomy- male, lvl. 1, Docile, Sap Sipper
Goomy- male, lvl. 1, Serious, Sap Sipper
Horsea- female, lvl. 1, Rash, Sniper
Goldeen- male, lvl. 1, Calm, Water Veil
Voltorb- lvl. 1, Hardy, Static
Qwilfish- male, lvl. 1, Brave, Swift Swim
Pinsir- male, lvl. 1, Naughty, Hyper Cutter
Pumpkaboo (Hollow)- female, lvl. 1, Jolly, Frisk
Pumpkaboo- male, lvl. 1, Modest, Frisk
Pumpkaboo- male, lvl. 1, Docile, Pickup
Pumpkaboo- male, lvl. 1, Rash, Frisk
Pumpkaboo- male, lvl. 1, Sassy, Pickup
Phantump- female, lvl. 1, Modest, Frisk
Phantump- male, lvl. 1, Bold, Frisk
Phantump- male, lvl. 1, Jolly, Natural Cure
Phantump- male, lvl. 1, Lonely, Natural Cure
Pichu- male, lvl. 1, Lax, Static
Pichu- female, lvl. 1, Adamant, Static
Beldum- lvl. 1, Bashful, Clear Body
Venipede- female, lvl. 1, Bashful, Swarm
Sandshrew- male, lvl. 1, Hasty, Sand Veil
Swablu- female, lvl. 1, Lax, Natural Cure
Combee- male, lvl. 1, Modest, Honey Gather
Venonat- female, lvl. 1, Quirky, Tinted Lens
Corphish- male, lvl. 1, Lonely, Hyper Cutter
Magnemite- lvl. 1, Hardy, Sturdy
Gligar- male, lvl. 1, Impish, Immunity
Timburr- female, lvl. 1, Brave, Sheer Force
Purrloin- male, lvl. 1, Calm, Unburden
Shinx- female, lvl. 1, Calm, Intimidate
Bulbasaur- female, lvl. 1, Timid, Overgrow
Bulbasaur- male, lvl. 1, Adamant, Overgrow
Duskull- female, lvl. 1, Adamant, Frisk (pending)
Wynaut- male, lvl. 1, Impish, Shadow Tag
Cubchoo- male, lvl. 1, Gentle, Snow Cloak
Bagon- female, lvl. 1, Mild, Rock Head
Slugma- male, lvl. 1, Naive, Magma Armor
Squirtle- male, lvl. 1, Hardy, Torrent
Anorith- male, lvl. 20, Lonely, Battle Armor
Anorith- male, lvl. 20, Bold, Battle Armor
Anorith- male, lvl. 20, Adamant, Battle Armor
Cranidos- male, lvl. 20, Naive, Mold Breaker
Amaura- male, lvl. 1, Naughty, Refrigerate (pending)
Tyrunt- male, lvl. 1, Gentle, Stong Jaw
-a few others, as I'm constantly receiving fossils
I also have boxes of PokeBank pokemon, Klink, Tangela, Petilil, Stunky, Klefki, Bronzor, Honedge, Poliwags, Torchic, Helioptile, and Froakies. Just let me know if you'd like a certain nature!
Services Offered:
*** I'm am also interested in Trade Evolutions.
*** I can also give you YOUR Pokemon from YOUR friend safari. Just trade me anything.
If you don't know your Friend Safari Pokemon, I can find out for you.
Also, add yourself here:
I can breed any of the Pokemon that are not listed below!
Wants: (even after PokeBank is opened)
Diglett / Dugtrio (pending)
Vanillite / Vanillish/ Vanilluxe (pending)
Drowzee / Hypno (pending)
Glameow / Purugly (pending)
Foreign Ditto, non-American (I can trade you American, if need be)
Stantler (pending)
Starly (pending)
All can be trade-backs:
When I get Zapados, I would like to trade it and trade back with the following:
Time Zone: Central (USA)
Times Available: Evenings, Nights, and possibly Early Mornings
FC Name: Mistryss
Pokemon X Player Name: Mistryss
Pokemon Y: Valkyrie
Friend Safari: Water : Gyarados, Bibarel, and Poliwhirl
These are mostly from my breeding collection and the Friend Safari. They are all American Pokémon. I am unsure about Hidden Natures or EVs. I have not Super Trained or Amied them. Most should be untouched, unless used for breeding purposes (31+level).
This list will include my haves with their genders, levels, natures, and abilities. No items will be held (this can be negotiated). All can be nicknamed!
--With PokeBank coming out, please no hacks! None of mine are hacks.
--If a trade offer is still pending after a month, I will remove the (pending) sign on the Pokemon. You are free to ask for them again if they are still there. I update my lists immediately after a trade or after an offer is placed on a Pokemon.
****I will still offer Modern Vivillons/lvl. 1 Scatterbugs to those who need them!!! I also have a few other Vivillons for trade.
*** I am offering Sandstorm Vivillions. I will take ANY Pokemon.
Currently Breeding: Cyndaquil, Turtwig, Chimchar, Totodile, Mudkip, and a few other non-native to Kalos, such as Slakoth, Meowth, Phione, Cherubi, Porygon, Feebas, and Castform.
Breeding Next: Finneon, Tropius, Buneary, Kricketot, Elgyem, Baltoy, Ratatta, Koffing, Darumaka, and Bouffalant
Haves (will take any legitimate Pokemon for these):
Garbodor – male, lvl. 30, Bold, Stench
Swirlex – female, lvl. 1, Quiet, Sweet Veil (no item)
Magneton – lvl. 30, Quiet, Sturdy
Dewgong – male, lvl. 30, Timid, Ice Body
Golurk – lvl. 30, Adamant, No Guard
Driftblim – male, lvl. 30, Hasty, Aftermath
Lampent – male, lvl. 30, Careful, Infiltrator
Lapras – male, lvl. 30, Naïve, Hydration
Hariyama – male, lvl. 30, Bold, Guts
Seadra – male, lvl. 35, Sassy, Sniper
Crawdaunt – female, lvl. 35, Quirky, Shell Armor
Wartortle – male, lvl. 30, Lonely, Torrent
Ivysaur – female, lvl. 32, Docile, Overgrow
Quilladin – male, lvl. 30, Hardy, Overgrow
Blitzle- female, lvl. 1, Timid, Motor Drive
Gastly- female, lvl. 1, Rash, Levitate
Gastly- male, lvl.1, Impish, Levitate
Gastly- male, lvl. 1, Docile, Levitate
Houndour- female, lvl. 1, Sassy, Early Bird
Houndour- female, lvl.1, Hardy, Early Bird
Houndour- female, lvl.1, Lonely, Flash Fire
Houndour- female, lvl. 1, Hasty, Early Bird
Houndour- male, lvl. 1, Jolly, Flash Fire
Aron- female, lvl. 1, Rash, Rock Head
Aron- female, lvl. 1, Naughty, Rock Head
Aron- male, lvl. 1, Bold, Sturdy
Aron- male, lvl. 1, Naive, Rock Head
Aron- male, lvl. 1, Modest, Sturdy
Gothita- male, lvl. 1, Adamant, Frisk
Gothita- male, lvl. 1, Careful, Competitive
Numel- male, lvl. 1, Impish, Oblivious
Pawniard- male, lvl. 1, Brave, Defiant
Makuhita- male, lvl. 1, Brave, Thick Fat
Sableye- female, lvl. 1, Docile, Prankster
Shuppet- female, lvl. 1, Naive, Insomnia
Igglybuff- female, lvl. 1, Mild, Competitive
Lickitung - female, lvl.1, Relaxed, Own Tempo
Remoraid- male, lvl.1, Adamant, Sniper
Shroomish- female, lvl. 1, Timid, Poison Heal
Grimer- female, lvl. 1, Naughty, Poison Touch
Shelmet- male, lvl. 1, Hardy, Hydration
Riolu- female, lvl.1, Modest, Steadfast
Hoothoot, female, lvl. 1, Bashful, Keen Eye
Teddiursa- female, lvl. 1, Gentle, Quick Feet
Bellsprout- female, lvl. 1, Naughty, Chlorophyll
Litwick- male, lvl. 1, Calm, Infiltrator
Munchlax- male, lvl. 1 Modest, Pickup
Snorlax- male, lvl. 1, Bold, Thick Fat
Snorlax- male, lvl. 1, Modest, Immunity
Goomy- female, lvl. 1, Modest, Sap Sipper
Goomy- female, lvl. 1, Naive, Sap Sipper
Goomy- male, lvl. 1, Docile, Sap Sipper
Goomy- male, lvl. 1, Serious, Sap Sipper
Horsea- female, lvl. 1, Rash, Sniper
Goldeen- male, lvl. 1, Calm, Water Veil
Voltorb- lvl. 1, Hardy, Static
Qwilfish- male, lvl. 1, Brave, Swift Swim
Pinsir- male, lvl. 1, Naughty, Hyper Cutter
Pumpkaboo (Hollow)- female, lvl. 1, Jolly, Frisk
Pumpkaboo- male, lvl. 1, Modest, Frisk
Pumpkaboo- male, lvl. 1, Docile, Pickup
Pumpkaboo- male, lvl. 1, Rash, Frisk
Pumpkaboo- male, lvl. 1, Sassy, Pickup
Phantump- female, lvl. 1, Modest, Frisk
Phantump- male, lvl. 1, Bold, Frisk
Phantump- male, lvl. 1, Jolly, Natural Cure
Phantump- male, lvl. 1, Lonely, Natural Cure
Pichu- male, lvl. 1, Lax, Static
Pichu- female, lvl. 1, Adamant, Static
Beldum- lvl. 1, Bashful, Clear Body
Venipede- female, lvl. 1, Bashful, Swarm
Sandshrew- male, lvl. 1, Hasty, Sand Veil
Swablu- female, lvl. 1, Lax, Natural Cure
Combee- male, lvl. 1, Modest, Honey Gather
Venonat- female, lvl. 1, Quirky, Tinted Lens
Corphish- male, lvl. 1, Lonely, Hyper Cutter
Magnemite- lvl. 1, Hardy, Sturdy
Gligar- male, lvl. 1, Impish, Immunity
Timburr- female, lvl. 1, Brave, Sheer Force
Purrloin- male, lvl. 1, Calm, Unburden
Shinx- female, lvl. 1, Calm, Intimidate
Bulbasaur- female, lvl. 1, Timid, Overgrow
Bulbasaur- male, lvl. 1, Adamant, Overgrow
Duskull- female, lvl. 1, Adamant, Frisk (pending)
Wynaut- male, lvl. 1, Impish, Shadow Tag
Cubchoo- male, lvl. 1, Gentle, Snow Cloak
Bagon- female, lvl. 1, Mild, Rock Head
Slugma- male, lvl. 1, Naive, Magma Armor
Squirtle- male, lvl. 1, Hardy, Torrent
Anorith- male, lvl. 20, Lonely, Battle Armor
Anorith- male, lvl. 20, Bold, Battle Armor
Anorith- male, lvl. 20, Adamant, Battle Armor
Cranidos- male, lvl. 20, Naive, Mold Breaker
Amaura- male, lvl. 1, Naughty, Refrigerate (pending)
Tyrunt- male, lvl. 1, Gentle, Stong Jaw
-a few others, as I'm constantly receiving fossils
I also have boxes of PokeBank pokemon, Klink, Tangela, Petilil, Stunky, Klefki, Bronzor, Honedge, Poliwags, Torchic, Helioptile, and Froakies. Just let me know if you'd like a certain nature!
Services Offered:
*** I'm am also interested in Trade Evolutions.
*** I can also give you YOUR Pokemon from YOUR friend safari. Just trade me anything.
If you don't know your Friend Safari Pokemon, I can find out for you.
Also, add yourself here:
I can breed any of the Pokemon that are not listed below!
Wants: (even after PokeBank is opened)
Diglett / Dugtrio (pending)
Vanillite / Vanillish/ Vanilluxe (pending)
Drowzee / Hypno (pending)
Glameow / Purugly (pending)
Foreign Ditto, non-American (I can trade you American, if need be)
Stantler (pending)
Starly (pending)
All can be trade-backs:
When I get Zapados, I would like to trade it and trade back with the following: