More Art: Dialga, Palkia, Arceus, Spear Pillar!


Disappear to a place beyond seeing...
I've just finished these, and I'd like you all to see them. I hope you enjoy them!

First, I did a piece on Dialga, deity of time. I'm pleased with the coloring and pose, but what do you think about it?


Second, I drew Palkia, deity of space. I'm pleased with the coloring, but the pose is not my favorite. How does it look?


Next, I did yet another piece on Arceus, Alpha Pokémon. (I can't wait for the Sugimori artwork to be revealed...)


And finally, I did a piece of Cyrus (boss of Team Galactic) at Spear Pillar with the aforementioned deities above. How does it look? (It's too large to post here, so I'll link to my photobucket page and my Deviant Art page.)
Wow! They're all good. You've improve a lot even though your previous works are superb already.:)
Hmmm. BTW, can I use those arts in my fake cards? I'll include the neccessary credits?
iandavidvinoya said:
Wow! They're all good. You've improve a lot even though your previous works are superb already.:)
Hmmm. BTW, can I use those arts in my fake cards? I'll include the neccessary credits?

Thank you. :)

Certainly, since you'll include the credits. :3
Great art I love the Arceus and the dialga
Great work and keep it up 'am rootin for ya'
Peta said:
Great art I love the Arceus and the dialga
Great work and keep it up 'am rootin for ya'

Thank you very much. :D

(And thanks again to iandavidvinoya!)