BW/BW2 More Rumors !

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Shining Dragon

Aspiring Trainer
■Dex # 532: A Fighting Type pokemon with a wooden plank.

■Dex# 533: Fighting Type pokemon with an iron girder. It’s stronger that its pre-evo and has a clown nose.

■(UPD3) Dex # 534: Fighting Type pokemon with a concrete block in each hand. Its gotten hudge and tougher in the process.

■(UPD1) Kurumiru and its evolutions, as well as a Bug/Poison centipede and its evolution line, are not going to appear in the first half of the Pokedex.
possible bug/poison pokemon

■(UPD2) More Dex #’s: 529: Moguryuu, 530: Doryuuzu, 531 Tabunne, 532:…. (?)

■(UPD5) Dex # 535: A small tadpole. No arms, no legs, only a blue tail. Also two blue bulges on each side of its head. Pure Water Type.

■UPD6: Dex # 536: Bigger tadpole with legs, still no arms. Bulges everywhere now (smallpox?) Water/Ground

■UPD7: Tabunne is normal type… Doryuuzu is Ground/Steel
Images don't work, where are you getting this information?
^What he said. I need to know NOW if this is real or fake.

If this is real, that fighting pokemon sounds cool.
Fighting Type pokemon with an iron girder. It’s stronger that its pre-evo and has a clown nose.

I'm sorry, but that sounds ridiculous. An iron girder, and a clown nose? Seriously. This pokexperto must have a huge imagination xD
I'm going to lock this, at least until we have a more legitimate source confirming this.

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