Pokemon Most Handsome Pokemon (male or genderless)

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Assaundrell Yumerai

Aspiring Trainer
And here's the bachelors:D

*Eevee evolutions, male
* or your choice!

Note: YOU MAY include any Pokemons okay.
Well, they did say that Gallade is master of swordsmanship and courtesy.

Infernape handsome? Latios is protective of his "sister" and I admire that.

Lucario maybe, but I don't see why Sceptile.

Luxray? Floatzel (Oh wait. Is that more preferably female)? Garchomp? What of those?

And do you realize that Japanese artists prefer to depict Blazikens as a female, not a male?
Gallade is handsome and Gardevior is beautiful.
It reminds of somewhat Romeo and Juliet. But second,
I would think Blaziken or Machamp. Don't forget Lucario.
Usually the handsome Pokemon are fighting types. :)
I say Empoleon. It's body is like a tuxedo, and it's a king as well. I'm not sure, and this is just my opinion.
I haven't thought of Empoleon... His body does look like a tuxedo. :) What about Hitmonchan or Hitmonlee? They sort of look handsome. But I would never say Ditto, lol. :p
Blaziken, the manliest man who ever manned

Imagine how male Lopunnies must feel about themselves.
Ok. I saaaaaay:


The electric lion.

He also has that extreme loyalty aura around him. -Just saying.

(Lucario,my 10th favourite pokemon is handsome too, but I'd still go for Luxray.)
I think the general consensus is that electric types (mainly four legged ones) are the best.
Rory said:
I think the general consensus is that electric types (mainly four legged ones) are the best.

I agree.

Oh yeah, here's a shot of the beast[For your viewing pleasure.]:
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