Most wanted Cards?


VGC Beginnings!
I trying to get an opinion of the most wanted cards of the modified format. if you can please not list these as i already know them

Luxray X
Flygon X
Donphan Prime
Some other primes

anything else can you guys please list?

mods if this isnt okay just lock it if you have to.
Supporters like Roseanne's, Bebe's, Pokemon Collector. Trainers like Candy, Pokemon Communicator. Definitely Call Energy too.
^ yeah only dce is so cheap to buy and easy to get because it is a reprint that, its value is still really low in comparison to say calls value which is higher.
I know these are either older cards or in Japanese.
Player's Eeveelutions*
RL's Eeveelutions
Lions (esp. Luxray Gl Lv.X)
The New HGSS Psychic & Dark Energy
Hey EspeonRo-

Oh-its LV. Haha I didn't recognize you through the fact that almost all of those have something to do w/ Eeveelutions. LAWL.

Luxray GLX
Spiritomb PA RH
Blaze FBX
Garchomp CX
League or not, Claydol and Uxie are still used in like every deck ever. If anything, the fact that they're League promos is a testament to how valuable they really are.

I'm seconding the Trainer and Supporter ideas. Almost every deck needs Bebe's, Roseanne's, Candies, etc. Just because they're more common doesn't mean people want less of them.
airconditioning said:
League or not, Claydol and Uxie are still used in like every deck ever. If anything, the fact that they're League promos is a testament to how valuable they really are.

I'm seconding the Trainer and Supporter ideas. Almost every deck needs Bebe's, Roseanne's, Candies, etc. Just because they're more common doesn't mean people want less of them.
And Broken Time Space...
Nidoqueen RR (RH). Even if you don't use it, you don't trade your last 2-3 incase you need them later.

Machamp SF is hard to come by these days also. I don't know it it's due to Stromfront just being a old set, or if people just really don't have them anymore. Everyone I've tried to trade with always said no. :(

I think Gyarados will be another one soon since Collector is out now, and Communication. Several of people I know that play, including me, pulled out their Gyarados's and started playing with them at league this last week.