This is a fanfic about two robots, I am not a child! *licks his totsie roll*
That is the Prologue, keep reading!
Motorbike stories
Prologue: The dawn of a crisis.This is a story about two robots. They lived in a world, were robots were first thought to be slaves.But, it was seen that the robots had a personality. They liked people, they had hobbies, they did certain human tasks or chores. There was once an evil president in the USA, that wanted to finish with all the robots already activated. His plan was to go to each house that had a robot family, and murder them all. Of course some robots were with him, because he was the president. Some other families, like Hielo and Shot, were against this murder. So, they decided to protect themeselves at any moment, just in case they would attack them. One day they arrived.They could be seen miles away, it was a big group of soldiers who were lyal to the president. The Shot family tried to warn the Hielo family, but they were instantly killed. The Hielo house was next to them, so the youngest member of the Shot family, Ciber Shot, escaped to the Hielo house and took Icy, the youngest member of the Hielo family, and escaped with Ciber´s father motorbike.Hours later, Ciber found a good place to stay. He used his time to upgrade his father´s motorbike, then the stories begun...
That is the Prologue, keep reading!