Movie 14: Victini and the Dark Hero

RE: movie 14

It's just going to be like the Lucario movie with a "cute" legend, Celebi, replacing Mew, Zoroark will replace Lucario, and the three dogs will replace the three Regis.
RE: movie 14

runeon12 said:
It's just going to be like the Lucario movie with a "cute" legend, Celebi, replacing Mew, Zoroark will replace Lucario, and the three dogs will replace the three Regis.

I think you are confused with Movie 13, the new one. He is talking about the one that was hinted at at the end of Phantom Champion Zoroark.
RE: movie 14

It's pretty much impossible to speculate about the 14th film with just a teaser trailer around, since the teaser trailers aren't always good indicators for what the film will feature.

However, I'll leave this open since people may want to discuss it anyway.
RE: movie 14

My guess is that it will feature the first event legendary of Generation V, and possibly Reshiram and Zekrom, as well. By the time Movie 14 is released (July 2011), Black and White will have been out for a while in Japan. It will be akin to the Darkrai movie of Generation IV.
RE: movie 14

Blue Thunder said:
My guess is that it will feature the first event legendary of Generation V, and possibly Reshiram and Zekrom, as well. By the time Movie 14 is released (July 2011), Black and White will have been out for a while in Japan. It will be akin to the Darkrai movie of Generation IV.

so do you think that the movies after will follow like the dp trilogy
RE: movie 14

pokemonmaster101 said:
so do you think that the movies after will follow like the dp trilogy

No he's saying that it will be like the drakrai movie which was the first movie in the DP series just like movie 14 will be the first in the best wishes trilogy.
RE: movie 14

I'm thinking Movie 14 will just be the Dialga and Palkia movie with Reshiram, Zekrom, and something to replace Darkrai.
RE: movie 14

Playerking95 said:
No he's saying that it will be like the drakrai movie which was the first movie in the DP series just like movie 14 will be the first in the best wishes trilogy.

i know what he is saying it was a separate question
RE: movie 14

As for a BW trilogy, I don't want to make any bets on that. It will really depend on how many event legendaries are in Gen 5, how long the generation will last, and if they just feel like doing it or not. Granted, there will likely be 3 or 4 movies this next generation, but whether they will be connected or not....we won't found out for some time.

I wouldn't be pleased to see Dialga and Palkia back again. They've already had way more screen time then they needed, and it's suggested they want to move on from DP.
RE: movie 14

Xous said:
It's pretty much impossible to speculate about the 14th film with just a teaser trailer around, since the teaser trailers aren't always good indicators for what the film will feature.

However, I'll leave this open since people may want to discuss it anyway.

Lol . U are right Xous last year they showed Lugia and Ho-oh and look what we got... ZOARORK
RE: movie 14

Well my first guess would be Zekrom and Reshiram but then Ho-oh and Lugia weren't in Movie 13 so I dunno. Maybe it will feature Orange-Ears?
RE: movie 14

The movie will be like the Dialga and Palkia movie. Where Zekrom and Reshiram are fighting and Ash tries to stop them, and at the end everything returns to normal.
RE: movie 14

I think it will be a movie about Reshiram and Zekrom, and a third legendary... but it's difficult to say, since there hasn't been information about the movie yet..
RE: movie 14

pokemonmaster101 said:
by showing Pokemon that weren't in the movie and none that was

Yeah, that was ridiculous!! Anyway, look at this:

The first movie of the gen:
4 gen: Lucario, Mew, Regis.
5 gen: Zoroark, Celebi, Beasts.

The second movie of the gen:
4 gen: Manaphy, Kyogre.
5 gen: Red-ear, Groudon. (?)
RE: movie 14

Slowpoke Breeder said:
Yeah, that was ridiculous!! Anyway, look at this:

The first movie of the gen:
4 gen: Lucario, Mew, Regis.
5 gen: Zoroark, Celebi, Beasts.

The second movie of the gen:
4 gen: Manaphy, Kyogre.
5 gen: Red-ear, Groudon. (?)
Wait i don't understand anything you just said.
RE: movie 14

Hopefully we'll actually get a proper fight between Reshiram and Zekrom in the film and have good antagonist like (Zero, Lauwrence the third or Mewtwo), Ash WILL NOT save the day and someone will actually have to make a proper sacrfice (e.g death) to stop the fight, as for my opinion of the films here they are:
1) Best cause it was original
4)Too happy and everything turns out okay
6)Butler was good
7)Awesome, would have liked more fighting
8)1 and a half hours of Ash
9)1 and a half hours of May
10)Battle ended too quickly
11)Shaymin was annoying
12)Good, but could of been more interesting