Moving Damage


Luvs the Eevee
Unclear of where I should post this, so here goes:

Can anyone think of a card in the current format (aside from Alakazam 4 LV. X's "Damage Switch" Poké-POWER) that allows a player to move damage counters around between his/her own Pokémon?

Many thanks.
I have tried to find one my self but I don't think there is one. Espeon UD moves damage from your pokemon to the opponents but I don't think it can move to other of your pokemon.

It can't move from yours to yours, only your to his/her(I am talking about Espeon).

I can't think of any.
You can wait till November and get Darkrai/Cresselia LEGEND;


Yeah, you dont move damage from your Pokemon to theirs, but this can move as many counters as you want.