MS Battle Roads 1 & 2


Samurai Sea Lion
Advanced Member
As I am typing this my team and I, Team Blitzkrieg of Mississippi, have finished the first two BRs of the 2013 season. I am Moe1216 and I will be the one telling you all about the props, slops, and other crazy things that happened to us.

First off, My team and I have been active for about a year and a half and after Nationals we put in, like alot of you, plenty of sleepless nights testing. When the weekend came, the four of us me, MinTy, IronMike, and Jonez (I'm not using real names, sue me) finished preparations and headed to the sites. This report will mainly be from my perspective but I will give you the w/l for the others as well.

Our decks:
Me (Moe): Ho-Oh
MinTy: Garchomp
IronMike: Darkrai/Hydreigon
Jonez: Garchomp

September 1st, 2013: Hattiesburg BR
Today was five rounds and there were enough people today to make it so that top 4 got CP. Ballin!

Round 1:
MinTy w/ Garchomp

Man the day is already off to a rough start. I'm playing my teammate this match up generally doesn't end well for me. He goes first and starts sand attacking with gible while building up his bench, though I am able to rebirth in the first few turns and keep the prize exchange in my favor. Sadly, I wasn't able to draw a supporter to save my life after an N and he pulled out the win by one-shotting a Ho-Oh with a Garchomp and 3 Altaria.

My loss was bad enough, but Jonez and IronMike also lost their matches to a Tornadus EX deck and Gothitelle deck respectively. Things didn't start well for us.

Me: 0-1
MinTy: 1-0
IronMike: 0-1

Round 2:
Peyton R. w/ Electric Misfits

My opponent is a new player and using a weird deck that specializes in using Victini from NVI to let Lightning basics like Tynamo and Blitzle use their coin flip attacks and just troll. I eventually got a Terrakion built despite being paralyzed for four turns and swept him.

The others did well, which made me feel alot of relief. All three won and we were starting to pull ourselves out of the spot we were in, except for MinTy the lucky punk.

Me: 1-1
MinTy: 2-0
Jonez: 1-1

Round 3:
Jonez w/ Garchomp

Another teammate? Feels like fate is giving me the back of her hand in the teeth. Ironically, this is the only time I go first the entire weekend and is very bittersweet, as Jonez wasn't able to set anything up as I got a Ho-Oh with enough energy to one-shot anything he plays. This knocks Jonez down and takes away his chance at CP today.

MinTy and IronMike managed to get wins this game as well, with MinTy beating one of the best players in our area in one heck of a match, the same guy who beat Jonez round 1, and IronMike began his slaughterfest.

Me: 2-1
MinTy: 3-0
IronMike: 2-1
Jonez: 1-2

Round 4:
Alan S w/ Darkrai/Hydreigon

Alan is another top player in our area and one of the only three that are 3-0 in the tourney. I see him start off, oddly enough, Emolga. Ummmm...wha? He calls for family to get a deino and darkrai, and I get my first turn. By a miracle, I get T1 Powerblast using Tornadus EX and Ho-Oh and he can't recover from the continual 100 starting turn one and I six prize him for the win.

MinTy and the others finish their matches as well and all three win once more. This right now feels me with a great amount of pride in the fact our efforts since the beginning of July have paid off. Now we are going into the last Round, hoping to get the CP that eluded us last year.

Me: 3-1
MinTy: 4-0
IronMike: 3-1
Jonez: 2-2

Round 5:

Jessica w/ Teel

The last round and I am facing another one of the three who were 3-0 last round, meaning I played both last rounds. I did the math and if MinTy won his match against Alan and I won here, he would be first and I 2nd. I started my game with Ho-Oh and I saw her go with Emolga and a Tynamo. She gets CFF off and gets another Tynamo and Zekrom. I go and get a T1 40 using the Ho-Oh I was forced to start with and manage to take prizes off the emolga and a tynamo over 3 turns. Despite this, she started coming fast and took the prize lead 4-2. I pull off a retaliation with Terrakion and she brings up Mew EX so that she can use X-Ball since she has Mewtwo EX on her bench and she wants to conserve it. I am still grasping at straws here and Terrakion is gone from the Mew, leaving me a single Ho-Oh. I top deck an energy and KO the Mew, tying it up. She builds up Mewtwo and begins my worst nightmare and X-balls me, putting 120 damage on Ho-Oh. I start to think of giving in when I see she has used all her catchers and her switches. I can rebirth for another Ho-oh safely and begin putting damage on Mewtwo safely since she ran Prism for her Terrakion, not DCE. The rebirth is successful and she couldn't take her last prize off of the other Ho-Oh and the two together KO it, giving me the win and 2nd place behind MinTy.

The day is over and we all won our last matches, giving us all winning records with MinTy, myself, and IronMike take 1st, 2nd, and 4th, respectively. :D Yeeeeeeeeeeeah!!!!!!

End of the day:
Me: 4-1
MinTy: 5-0
IronMike: 4-1
Jonez: 3-2