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MTC; The next genoration. (states)


Soccer Mom
I know I already posted a thread about this, but I need some fine-tuning for states.

Pokemon - 14
4 Celebi Prime
3 Tornadus
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Smeargle
1 Terrakion NV
1 Shaymin UL
1 Shaymin EX
1 Gigas EX (for Durant and back-up attacker)

T/S/S - 31
4 Junk Arm
4 Juniper
4 Dual Ball
3 Skyarrow Bridge
3 Switch
3 Catcher
2 Pokegear
2 N
1 Super Rod
1 Energy Exchanger

Energy - 15
9 Grass
2 Fighting
I would add some ssu to pick up shaymin and the cards you don't need. I'd take away some energy for that maybe.
Would eviolite help at all? I think that is could be pretty good IMO since it gives the pokemon more hp.
In a deck composed of basics, I would definitely add Eviolite.

I'm not sure what to take out though.. Maybe replace 1 Smeargle and 1 Skyarrow Bridge (everyone will be playing this card), for 2 Eviolite?
Well yeah, Regigigas EX is going to be OHKOed by Terrakion. However, with Eviolite, that doesn't happen. :p

Otherwise the deck list looks really great. I'm not a fan of Smeargle though, it seems kinda situational.
Im just not a fan off Smeargle:
-1 Smeargle
+1 Cleffa
It seems like ur basing it around tornadus
-1 Tornadus
+1 Mewtwo EX
PS, if you just don't have the $ to get a 3rd Mewtwo, then tell me.
{F} only powers up Terrakion
-2 {F}
+2 Prism
Get some eviolites in there somehow, as gigas is mainly used for Giga Power, as you attach a DCE, then forest breath and have it ready in 1 turn, and it does 80 with no recoil. It also makes Mewtwo last longer.
Lol, Cleffa in this deck? This deck objective is to start attacking on T1 and to never stop attacking. Cleffa needs to attack to refresh your hand. Smeargle is actually good, since if you get stuck, Smeargle can help you AND you can still attack. Also, if you start with Smeargle it will hardly get Ko'ed on T1 and Snipe attacks won't kill him and it get's free retreat from Skyarrow. 3 Skyarrow in this deck are absolutely mandatory. You want to have a Celebi T1 and to be able to retreat him. I personaly don't like Gigas EX, but that's up to preference. Also, if it was me I would add another Mewtwo (if you can afford it/borrow it).
Eviolite in MTC is garbage. I may have lost to variants with Eviolite but it's not because of Eviolite but rather my bad luck.

Here is a more detailed reason as to why Eviolite is a bad card in this deck

Let's use a mirror as a more concrete example.

W/out Eviolite

Tornadus - 2HKOed by Tornadus
MewtwoEX - 5 Energy Between both Mewtwos or 4 Energy and a Pluspower

With Eviolite

Tornadus -2HKOed by Tornadus
MewtwoEX- 5 Energy between both Mewtwos or 4 Energy and two pluspowers

Another example for the Eviolite debate would be vs Magnezone.

Magnezone LBs 1 Energy + 1 pluspower or 2 Energies to kill Tornadus w.out eviolite
Magnezone LBs 1 Energy + 2 Pluspowers or 2 energies to kill Tornadus

Magnezone would LB 4 Energies to KO Mewtwo regardless.

See the slim difference? Besides, no one would even LB a Tornadus because most Magnezone decks carry Zekrom and not even Eviolite is going to save you from that monster.

The difference is so slim.

Gigas isn't supposed to be the main attacker here. Tornadus is and will always be. MewtwoEX can be maintained to 2 because the general rule is whoever plays a Mewtwo down first loses and having 3 is going to help the odds of starting one.

Fighting over Prism is a good call if you play Exchanger and Retrieval. Besides, it's not like any of the attackers there would prefer Grass over Fighting Energy. ShayminEX shouldn't even be seeing the board until late game.