My 1st 5th Gen Team. NEEDS HELP!

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I just won a Master Cup battle with this team. I know it's not very good, and can use any advise that anyone has to give. I've been out of battling for well over a year lol

Hydreigon @ Choice Specs
64 hp/252 SpA/192 Spe
Timid Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Dragon Pulse
- Flamethrower
- Surf

Scizor @ Life Orb
252 Atk/4 SpD/252 Spe
Adament Nature
- Swords Dance
- Bullet Punch
- Bug Bite
- Superpower

Dusknoir @ Leftovers
252 hp/28 Atk/228 Def
Impish Nature
- Pain Split
- Will-O-Wisp
- Fire Punch
- Earthquake

Mew @ Leftovers
252 hp/28 Def/228 SpD
Timid Nature
- Psychic
- Softboiled
- Taunt
- Will-O-Wisp

Vaporeon @ Leftovers
252 hp/4 Def/252 SpD
Timid Nature
- Wish
- Protect
- Scald
- Ice Beam

Zoroark @ Life Orb
4 hp/252 SpA/252 Spd
Timid Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Night Daze
- Flamethrower
- Focus Blast

The basic strat is to swing hard early with Hydreigon. It tends to be a surprise for most players. I have a lot of burn on the team to keep physical attackers at bay, while vappy & mew are maxed out on spec.D and wall well. Zoroark has worked well as a revenge killer as he has the element of surprise. Scizor is there because it's an awesome sweeper, and tends to do a lot of clean up at the end.
I'll quote Steadfast here:

Steadfast said:
Please fit the 6 sentence requirement. If you don't within two days, this thread will be locked. For now though, I'll approve it and anyone else who wants to rate/etc. can go ahead.

You should also include the tier of this team, and you may want to add images of the Pokemon.
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