Hey guys, I just got back from Anaheim, CA, where the 2017 Pokemon World Championships were held. I competed in the Anaheim Open, placing at 26, recieving 360 prize wall tickets and exchanging them for a great Burning Shadows Booster Box! I will walk you through the deck I played and how my rounds went.
Deck Choosing-
Day 1 of Worlds, before the Open on Day 2, I played in 4 side events using Volcanion. I was confident it would do me well after successful testing against near everything but Greninja, Ninetales, and Garb variants. Then at side events, I never won a game, so I was discouraged from playing Volc. Back at the hotel, I sign up for the Open and begin reviewing the other decks I brought. Zoroark Drampa I was very sure I would do well, winning a League Challenge and doing decently at the NAIC with it, but it was weak in this format. I also had Espeon Garb, which I never played in a event, but liked it in testing. I quickly run through my matchups with my testing partner, and decide to play it. I contemplate switching my tech Flareon for a Vaporeon for Volcanion matchups, but I decide against this. On Day 2 in the morning, I realize my Ninetales, Gardevoir, and mirror matchups would IMMENSELY benefit from a heavier Drampa line and more Field Blower. Thus the tournament starts. 5 rounds to go
I face Ninetales R1 and I realize I lost. I dead draw Game 1, starting Lele. I only draw Eevee and Drampa, so I hope I can discard the DCE from Ninetales and N into a better hand. My opponent is a very good player, so he doesn’t fall for this. I scoop.
Game 2, I set up, but Lysandre/Guzma is able to get my Espeons up before they have DCEs. I try to use the Drampa again, but he takes me down. Looks like I am 0-1.
I use a calculator and realize I must win out to Day 2 at 4-1.
R2- 0-1
Looks like I have a better start Game 1 against Golisopod. I start Eevee, then Brigette into another Eevee. I can setup my Flareon and Espeon T2, and start pummeling my opponent’s Zorua and Wimpod. He dead draws on his T4, so he scoops.
Game 2 is the same, just with a Golisopod. I win the round. 1-1
Maybe top 8 is weak and 3-1-1 makes it, based on the current standings.
R3- 1-1
Huh, a MRay, something I didn’t test. Game 1 is pretty bad, I draw 0 supporters and get donked.
Game 2, I can get Drampa, Blower, and Altar, removiing the Sky Fields and DCE. I get a roadblock with Magearna, but a quick Garbodor setup lets me win that game.
Game 3, we go into time, I am winning at 4 prizes when time is called. At T2 I am at 2 prizes, so my opponent concedes and asks me to Day 2 so he lost to a strong opponent. I will remember that.
R4- 2-1
Yay, Metagross. Flareon is crucial. Game 1 he gets a Metagross, I evolve into Flareon and he slows down. Really, accept games may not end well (I understand stalling is a valid tactic, but that’s not fair, and a tie doesn’t help us both), but don’t stall. I still win Game 1.
Game 2, I Ultra Ball and realize I prized Flareon. Once he gets to 3 prizes, I scooped.
Game 3 starts but time is called 2 minutes in. I am pretty sad we would tie as I had the game in my favor with Flareon up, so I offer a tie that he accepts.
2-1-1. Shiat, either top 32 or top 64, now that I look at the rankings. Better win.
R5- 2-1-1
This will either be really good or pretty bad. It is Gardevoir. But I have Garbotoxin out T3 and snipe off Ralts and Kirlia. He barely does damage, and I win the game knocking out a Lele.
Game 2 is pretty much the same, so I end up winning the Round.
Well that was my Anaheim Open experience, I hope you liked reading it. Have a nice day!
(ask enough and you get my list)
Deck Choosing-
Day 1 of Worlds, before the Open on Day 2, I played in 4 side events using Volcanion. I was confident it would do me well after successful testing against near everything but Greninja, Ninetales, and Garb variants. Then at side events, I never won a game, so I was discouraged from playing Volc. Back at the hotel, I sign up for the Open and begin reviewing the other decks I brought. Zoroark Drampa I was very sure I would do well, winning a League Challenge and doing decently at the NAIC with it, but it was weak in this format. I also had Espeon Garb, which I never played in a event, but liked it in testing. I quickly run through my matchups with my testing partner, and decide to play it. I contemplate switching my tech Flareon for a Vaporeon for Volcanion matchups, but I decide against this. On Day 2 in the morning, I realize my Ninetales, Gardevoir, and mirror matchups would IMMENSELY benefit from a heavier Drampa line and more Field Blower. Thus the tournament starts. 5 rounds to go
I face Ninetales R1 and I realize I lost. I dead draw Game 1, starting Lele. I only draw Eevee and Drampa, so I hope I can discard the DCE from Ninetales and N into a better hand. My opponent is a very good player, so he doesn’t fall for this. I scoop.
Game 2, I set up, but Lysandre/Guzma is able to get my Espeons up before they have DCEs. I try to use the Drampa again, but he takes me down. Looks like I am 0-1.
I use a calculator and realize I must win out to Day 2 at 4-1.
R2- 0-1
Looks like I have a better start Game 1 against Golisopod. I start Eevee, then Brigette into another Eevee. I can setup my Flareon and Espeon T2, and start pummeling my opponent’s Zorua and Wimpod. He dead draws on his T4, so he scoops.
Game 2 is the same, just with a Golisopod. I win the round. 1-1
Maybe top 8 is weak and 3-1-1 makes it, based on the current standings.
R3- 1-1
Huh, a MRay, something I didn’t test. Game 1 is pretty bad, I draw 0 supporters and get donked.
Game 2, I can get Drampa, Blower, and Altar, removiing the Sky Fields and DCE. I get a roadblock with Magearna, but a quick Garbodor setup lets me win that game.
Game 3, we go into time, I am winning at 4 prizes when time is called. At T2 I am at 2 prizes, so my opponent concedes and asks me to Day 2 so he lost to a strong opponent. I will remember that.
R4- 2-1
Yay, Metagross. Flareon is crucial. Game 1 he gets a Metagross, I evolve into Flareon and he slows down. Really, accept games may not end well (I understand stalling is a valid tactic, but that’s not fair, and a tie doesn’t help us both), but don’t stall. I still win Game 1.
Game 2, I Ultra Ball and realize I prized Flareon. Once he gets to 3 prizes, I scooped.
Game 3 starts but time is called 2 minutes in. I am pretty sad we would tie as I had the game in my favor with Flareon up, so I offer a tie that he accepts.
2-1-1. Shiat, either top 32 or top 64, now that I look at the rankings. Better win.
R5- 2-1-1
This will either be really good or pretty bad. It is Gardevoir. But I have Garbotoxin out T3 and snipe off Ralts and Kirlia. He barely does damage, and I win the game knocking out a Lele.
Game 2 is pretty much the same, so I end up winning the Round.
Well that was my Anaheim Open experience, I hope you liked reading it. Have a nice day!
(ask enough and you get my list)