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My "bad" Chandy Deck.


Aspiring Trainer
I toyed around with next destinies chandelure in the past. I think that despite it's low HP, it's a pretty cool card, dealing 30 to 3 pokemon for only 1 fire energy. Naturally I wanted to play a quirky deck that could benefit from it. The basic idea is to spread 30 to everything and kill them slowly and painfully. The other attack (80 plus burn) is a good finisher, especially for EXs.

My pokemon line.

13 pokemon

2 ND Litwick
2 promo Litwick
2 NV Lampant
4 ND Chandelure
1 Sableye
2 Meloetta

I actually found that even the lower forms of chandy have some tricks up their sleeve. Promo litwick is the ideal starter since it can fetch other litwicks or other basics, helping you set up. Lampant has a built in catcher which for a deck that spreads, is very very good. Even the best opponents won't always have a way to deal with a slow retreater being dragged active. If that can by you just one turn while you set up, it served it's purpose more than any other evolving stage 1 can.

Since I run the blend energy, sableye and Meleotta can serve their purpose. Sableye is for junk arm (mostly), but Meloetta can serve as a nice backup attacker. It's not always ideal, but there are times when your opponent will have pokemon loaded with energy, Meloetta makes them pay and can do so with only one energy.

Trainers 37

Items 24
1 computer search
1 energy retrieval
2 level ball
4 pokeball
4 catcher
1 superrod
3 switch
2 tool scrapper
2 rescue scraf

A lot of this is self explanatory. Catcher is crucial to any deck, but especially spread decks since you can trap them while hitting their bench. Tool scrapper is for those pesky eviolites, rescue scarf lets you reuse your pokemon, I consider switch a staple, level ball gets out other basics and lampant, and that leaves me to pokeball...

My search options for Chandelure is pretty limited. Level ball and heavy ball can't fetch it and the deck doesn't run enough pokemon to justify a pcom. The obvious choice would be ultra ball, but at the time, I had traded my ultra balls away for something (I forgot which) so the next best thing was pokeball. Having to flip a coin is a royal pain, but I also found that ultra ball can also be a pain too. I don't always want to discard cards from my hand. Especially since this deck can't really benefit from it (no energy needs to be in the discard pile). So I figured why not pokeball? I have a lot of them so I don't need to trade for them (and even if I did, It wouldn't be very hard). It still gets you any card you need, and it adds a bit of fun to the deck. It's extremely satisfying to be able to flip heads to get that chandelure you needed to finish off that Darkrai and pick up two prizes. And since the deck is just for fun, it doesn't really matter.

Supporters 13

-4 juniper
-4 n
-2 skyla
-2 cheren
-1 bianca.

Just my standard supporter line, nothing much to talk about.

Energy 10

6 fire
4 blend (RGDR)

Again, self explanatory. The blend are for sableye and meloetta.

Overall, it's not a great deck, but for casual matches, it's passable. It has it's own unique strategy and style which makes it pretty fun to play.
Getting out multiple stage 2 pokes in this format is impossible, that's why.
I still run Gothitelle with reuniclus (just for fun) and it works great for a league deck. Thats what this is, a fun deck. Duskinor would be awesome with this!
I'd say use freefloater Lampent over the catcheresque one. That's just me though.