My Battle Road report in OHIO!!


Working on Platinum Nuzlocke
I went to the BR in Columbus Ohio, at the soldiery 10-3-10.

I played Genplume, and played 4 rounds.

Round 1 against ?: I faced a water deck. He had Mamoswine GL and just sat there, killing my Gengar, and someone else. I don't really remember it that good. I won and he had like 3 prizes to go.


Round 2 against ?: I faced Luxchomp. I had Gastly SF start, he had Dragonite FB. I started out locking him with pitch dark, while he couldn't do anything. I pitche darked him for like 6 turns, untill I finally had Vileplume out. Then I brought up Gengar and used Polyergeist for 330 damage!!!! I did that every single turn for 6 turns and won.


Round 3 against Piplup234: He was playing Luxchomp. I started with Uxie, he had lone Luxray GL. He got all set up fast, he went second with collector and call energy. He took all 6 prizes and I took 1, or 2.


Round 4 against some newbie, first tourny: He played the Ember Spark theme deck, without Typhlosion, and it had Riachu Prime and Ampharos Prime. He ended up taking 2-3 prizes and I took all 6.


It was only top 2, so I didn't make top cut. I got 3rd place and got 2 booster packs.

P.S. Piplup234, did you beat Ty in the top 2? I couldn't stay to watch. :(
Hahaha I was about to go there with a Rouge KingGar deck but my parents got tickets to a show so they couldn't take me.I might go to the one in Cincy but thats like a 2% chance.Figures Ty takes 1st again, was he playing Luxchomp like he was at the one in Dayton in which he got 1st and I got 2nd?
Yeah, he played Luxchomp. I was going to go to the one in Dayton but, my parents had to go to a wedding. So my dad took me to this one. I only get to go to 1. :(
Sucks for the one in Dayton it didn't even had a TC :/ so I ended up with a solid 2nd.I was going to go to the one in Cincy and now there is a 0% chance of going, but my dad said he will make it up by taking me to about 3-4 City Championships so it's all good :) I hope to see you at one.