ok well this is my try on a blastois feraligatr deck. my inclusion which iv not seen in other decks is floatzl lvl x. (it might be in other decks iv just not seen it)
Pretty simple idea. hopefull start with Spiritomb, and at least squirtle/totodile. (or a searcher)
use spiritomb to get the totodile up to feraligatr. and if hes still alive get squirtle up to blastoise.
once i have 4 energy. a bloastoise and a feraligatr i need to get my floatzl on my bench and hopefully level him up. if he is active lvl x has free retreat so thats no problem. then get blastoise out.
hopefully by now is should have a broken time space.
now i have a floatzl lvl x on my bench. and blastoise active. and a benched feraligatr. im doing 100 a turn to anyone. when blastoise dies i return him and all energy to my hand. i put out floatzl.
thanks to feraligatr and broken time space i can play the squirtle, wortortle, blastoise. and 4 energies straight away. free retreat floatzl and start doing 100 again.
Pokemon x18
2-2-2 Faraligatr Prime (hgss)
2-2-2 Blastoise (Unleashed)
1-1 Floatzel Gl lvl x (rr)
2 spiritomb (Ar)
1 uxie (LA)
1 Mantine (hgss)
Trainers x26
1x premier ball
1x luxury ball
2x pokemon collector
2x professor elms training method
2x bebe's Search
2x Pokemon communication
2x cheerleaders cheer
2x warp point
3x rare candy
2x interviewers questions
2x cynthias guidance
2x Engineers adjustments
2x Professor oaks new thoery
1x broken time space
Energy x16
15x {W}
1x warp
ok so. i want to put another broken times space in (do you think i need one)
and i also want to put at least 1 fisherman in incase of emergencies
but i dont know what 2 to take out
Edit: Wrong forum, moved. ~EspeonROX.
Pretty simple idea. hopefull start with Spiritomb, and at least squirtle/totodile. (or a searcher)
use spiritomb to get the totodile up to feraligatr. and if hes still alive get squirtle up to blastoise.
once i have 4 energy. a bloastoise and a feraligatr i need to get my floatzl on my bench and hopefully level him up. if he is active lvl x has free retreat so thats no problem. then get blastoise out.
hopefully by now is should have a broken time space.
now i have a floatzl lvl x on my bench. and blastoise active. and a benched feraligatr. im doing 100 a turn to anyone. when blastoise dies i return him and all energy to my hand. i put out floatzl.
thanks to feraligatr and broken time space i can play the squirtle, wortortle, blastoise. and 4 energies straight away. free retreat floatzl and start doing 100 again.
Pokemon x18
2-2-2 Faraligatr Prime (hgss)
2-2-2 Blastoise (Unleashed)
1-1 Floatzel Gl lvl x (rr)
2 spiritomb (Ar)
1 uxie (LA)
1 Mantine (hgss)
Trainers x26
1x premier ball
1x luxury ball
2x pokemon collector
2x professor elms training method
2x bebe's Search
2x Pokemon communication
2x cheerleaders cheer
2x warp point
3x rare candy
2x interviewers questions
2x cynthias guidance
2x Engineers adjustments
2x Professor oaks new thoery
1x broken time space
Energy x16
15x {W}
1x warp
ok so. i want to put another broken times space in (do you think i need one)
and i also want to put at least 1 fisherman in incase of emergencies
but i dont know what 2 to take out
Edit: Wrong forum, moved. ~EspeonROX.