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Expanded My Call for Florida Regionals in Daytona (AND I NEED HELP)


Aspiring Trainer
Hello PokeBeach! This is my deck for the upcoming Florida Regionals in Daytona from October the 7th-8th, and the deck is Seismitoad/Crobat! Just an opinion, but Golisopod GX is really only good in standard, Trevenant is super effecient, but it's a Stage 1, and DeciPlume is dead thanks to the banning of Forest of Giant Plants! Not to mention Volc might be good with blacksmith and friends, so this is a decent counter. Quickly though, I would like to mention that this is Noel Totomoch's Top 4 deck from Philly as of this past season, so a big congrats to him. =] I just need help with how to shape this deck with Guardians Rising and Burning Shadows techs. (I made minor tweaks here and there.)

Pokemon: 13
3 FFI Seismitoad EX
4 PLS Zubat
4 PHF Golbat
2 PHF Crobat
1 GRI Tapu Lele GX (Originally a Jirachi EX, this made space as it has Lugia EX from AOR's attack as well )
1 ROS Shaymin EX

Supporters: 13
3 Professor Juniper
2 N
1 Colress
1 Ghetsis
1 Delinquent
1 Lysandre
1 Skyla
1 Guzma
1 Team Flare Grunt
1 Xerosic

Iteams: 24
4 Ultra Ball
4 VS Seeker
4 Hypnotoxic Laser
4 Super Scoop Ups (BUS Prerelease today! SO hyped for the scoops and secret scoops =])
2 Fighting Fury Belt
2 Muscle Band (With my edits, I had a slot for 2 more cards, and doing 20 to everything is great in expanded)
1 Enhanced Hammer
1 Super Rod
1 Field Blower (Originally a Tool Scrapper, but the option to discard a stadium will benefit)
1 Computer Search (Our only ACE SPEC, your only allowed one, like a GX Attack, ish)

Stadiums of Choice: 3
3 Silent Lab

Energy: 7
3 Water

And that's the list, if your interested in going to Daytona, I'll be there, and there a bunch of hotels a chip shot away from the convention center, which is on the beach, too. Take care
What are the decks you are expecting to face? How do you conter each of them?

From experience, Seismitoad is weak against OHKO decks. I do not play Seismitoad much but that is how i beat the deck. This means things like Tauros Gx, Tapu Bulu Gx, Metagross Gx will be a problem since they can OHKO. Most of those rely upon abilities and you have nothing included to fight against that (ex: Garbodor or Hex Maniac). All those decks could be played since we saw a lot of them in this meta. I like the idea of Silent Lab but it will not help against such treats.

Another thing, if you are facing a deck like Vespiquen, what are your odds of winning? Just wondering because you do not have Karen.

Personally i feel like the Seismitoad deck could not adapt or did not adapt to the new playstyle comming from S&M. If you can shut your opponent down early the deck feels alright but if you fail at doing this early or play against decks who do not care (ex: Drampa Gx, Metagross Gx) you have less chances of winning.
Realistically it might be better to run phycic energy as to water attachments don't happen to often. Alternately you could run rainbow energy and drampa as an alternate attacker and have a good special energy denier. This deck will have a hard time against drampa/garb if that deck translates well in expanded but otherwise toad/bats is still a proven deck that you could go far with I'd you play it tight. Also choice band night be no better than muscle band for that valuable 2 shot on volcanion and turtanator without needing extra bat damage
Im expecting Night March variants, Metagross because of PHF Bronzong could be a thing, Volc will be good with blacksmith and/or kiawe, and i do think garb will be great, ESPECIALLY with the Tool Drop Trubbish. This needs work, then.
You know i would recommend playing a variant of my Ninja Box deck anytime to anyone playing in expanded format because i am confident it can be a top deck. Easy 65%+ win rate all over the board. Made 19-20 with a variant of the deck given i was lucky enough and did not make mistakes.

Against Nightmarch/Vespiquen: Karen with Jolteon and Glaceon (easy Matchup)

Against Metagross (not the easiest to beat): Latias, Wobbufet, Glaceon, Entei (average matchup)

Against Volcanion: Jolteon/Regice/Glaceon (average matchup)

Against Garbodor (with Drampa): Glaceon/Tauros/Machamp/Drampa and Magearna (average matchup)

Against Garbodor (with Espeon): Glaceon/Tauros/Machamp/Drampa and Comfee (average matchup)

Against Greninja: Glaceon with Giratina XY promo (easy matchup)

Against Dark decks: Jolteon/Tauros/Machamp (easy matchup)

Against Sylveon: Magearna/Electrike XY promo or Regirock XY promo

Build according to what meta you are facing and have faith in the Ninja Boy and the RNG god. I do have to admit this makes for an expensive deck considering Jolteon/Tapu Lele and Shaymins are stample cards but it makes such a beautiful deck with the diversity it includes. So many shenanigans...
I really love this decklist and whilst many have criticised my fondness for Toad Bats because they have deemed it 'boring', I just say its good!

The only alteration I would personally make would be switching Computer Search for Scoop Up Cyclone as it is great for 'effect upon evolution' decks.