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My Drakeon Deck (Dragonite EX / Eeveelutions)

Adam Ryder

Aspiring Trainer

  • Dragonite EX x3
    Virizion EX x1
    Eevee x4
    Leafeon x2
    Jolteon x2
    Cubchoo x2
    Beartic x2


  • Scoop Up Cyclone (Ace Spec) / Cassius
    Energy Retrieval x2
    Evosoda x2
    Max Potion x4
    Pal Pad x3
    Pokemon Fan Club x1
    Pokemon Center Lady x1
    Professor's Letter x3
    Professor Sycamore x1
    Shauna x3
    Starling Megaphone x2
    Super Scoop Up x4
    Ultra Ball x2


  • Grass x8
    Electric x4
    DCE x3

The Dragonites are in for the ability and once a pokemon gets badly hurt... WHAM! Dragonite EX attacks! Virizion will be replaced by a 4th Dragonite EX when it rotates out but for now, it's there for the status protection and the energy acceleration. The Eevees are from FUF so they can evolve as soon as I give them an energy. The Leafeon is the Plasma Leafeon and can attack with big damage for only a single energy. The Jolteon is the Promo version and can also attack big-ish for one energy and it's the counter for Yveltal. The Beartic is the counter for Pyroar.

The Scoop Up Cyclone (will be replaced with AZ) and Super Scoop Ups work well with each other, keeping the Dragonites from being KO'd. The Energy Retrieval is there to recover any discarded energies and Prof's Letter brings energies from my deck. The Evosoda is there so I can evolve my Cubchoo into Beartic, which will hopefully have a DCE on it by then. The Pokémon Fan Club will bring 2 Dragonites out and the Pokémon Center Lady is there just in case I can't use Scoop Ups. Max Potions because after I Scoop up a hurt Dragonite and put another in its place, I can heal it with no worries. Pal Pad will help me get Supporters and Shauna to give me a new hand without discarding any cards.

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon