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My First Attempt: Umbreon/Scizor (Revised)


Aspiring Trainer

Hey guys and gals! I have recently got back into Pokemon TCG (after 9 years!!) and have created a deck of my own! :D I have read a lot of articles about the current "metagame". Although I am quite knowledgeable about what cards do and etc., I am lacking game experience itself! Anyways, so this is my Roster:

3 - 3 Umbreon UD / Espeon Prime
3 - 3 Scizor (Prime)
1 - 1 Blaziken FB Lv X
2 Unown Q
3 Smearlgle UD
1 Azelf
1 Uxie

Pokemons: 21

3 Pokemon Collector
3 Pokemon Communication
3 Professor Oak's New Theory
2 Seeker
2 Palmer's Contribution
2 Judge
2 Bebe's Search
2 Expert Belt
2 Super Scoop Up
2 Warp Point

Trainers: 23

4 Special Dark Energy
4 Special Metal Energy
4 Rainbow Energy
2 Dark Energy
2 Metal Energy

Energies: 16


Recent Changes:


-3 Skarmory UD
-1 Umbreon UD
-1-1 Dodrio UD (it's great to reduce {C}{C} retreat, but it takes forever for it to come in play)
-1 Smeargle UD

+1-1 Scizor
+1 Azel
+1 Uxie
+1 Espeon Prime ({F} Counter)
+2 Unown Q (a better choice for retreat cost solution as it can be played right away contrary to Dodrio UD)

Total: -7 , +7


-1 Luxury Ball
-4 TRT
-2 Switch
-2 Energy Exchanger

+2 Warp Point
+2 Judge
+2 Seeker
+3 Pokemon Collector
+1 Pokemon Communication

Total: -10 , +10


-1 Dark Energy
-1 Metal Energy

+2 Rainbow Energy (imo, this change increases speed GREATLY)

Total: -2 , +2
RE: My First Attempt: Umbreon/Scizor

For your first deck its pretty good.
-2 Dark
-2 Metal
-2-2 houndoom ( Not really that needed)
-1 Luxury Ball
-2 Flower Shop Lady
+3 Pokemon Collector (Getting Basics)
+3 Broken Timespace (Helps Evolving)
+1 Uxie LA (drawpower)
+1 Azelf LA
+1 Unown Q ( Free retreat smeargle)
+2 Palmers ( Better recovery then Flower Shop Lady)
This will boost Consistancy, have fun with your walling deck :)
RE: My First Attempt: Umbreon/Scizor

Thank you for replying! Also should I try to do a 2-2 Blaziken FB lvx for a more consistent Dialga G counter?
So yeah. I revised my Roster abit. Also, I'm thinking about:

- 1 Umbreon UD
- 2 Switch (Dodrio solves Smeargle, Scizor and Skarmory's Retreat Costs)

+ 1 Umbreon MD
+ 1-1 Espeon (?) (Badly need a Machamp or {F} counter)

Need more response! Thanks everyone!
Unless you are playing against SF machamp, you should be fine with Umbreon. Machamp prime and LVX have power/bodies as does donphan prime.
Great list, for first time, but Ill try to help here.

-3 Skarmory (ive played with these in my deck before and boy they sure suck late in the game)
-1 Smeargle (I think 3 should be enough to start with)
-1 Umbreon UD
-2 Switch (sont really see the point)
-4 TRT (didnt work in my deck much for disruption)
-1 PONT (4 is overkill)

+1 Espeon Prime (machamp counter, can possibly donk pixies)
+1-1 Scizor Prime (they will killed more than you think and having more makes it easier not to run out of scizor or have some for stall while you tank)
+2 Warp Point (makes your opponent switch out as well)
+2 Pokemon Collector
+2 Judge (much better disruption)
+2 Seeker (Help get the donk and can pick up a dying pokemon and put it back down.)

Hope this helped :)
+1 E-Belt (Consistency, and youll probably use it
I think in a deck like this Buck's Training (Legends Awakened) would be more beneficial than Team Rocket's Trickery. It is a pluspower, and it still gives you those vital two cards of drawpower.

I agree however that 4 Smeargle is too many, and should be limited to two. Remove all of team rocket's trickery, one smeargle, and three Skarmory. (His usefulness is an attack, and thus too slow for this deck's potential.)

Replace the one smeargle with a Ditto (Triumphant : http://pokebeach.com/scans/triumphant/17-ditto.jpg) because dropping a ditto after locking their damage with Scizor and Umbreon would be great for keeping them from setting something up that CAN kill you.

Energy Exchanger won't be much benefit to you either, and is vital Trainer Supporter Stadium space taken up. Remove those and you can put in the following things, which, according to my opinion, will help speed up your deck.

The Total Changes are as follows.

-4 Team Rocket's Trickery
-2 Energy Exchanger
-3 Skarmory UD
-1 Smeargle UD
-2 Professor Oak's New Theory
-2 Switch

+1 Ditto Triumphant
+1 Espeon Prime (This is backup and guarding for umbreon.)
+1 Unown Q (Gives you cheap retreat cost, makes Dodrio less vital) MD
+1 Eevee (Consistency)
+2 Buck's Training LA (Gives you an extra ten damage as well as 2 more cards)
+1 Pokemon Communicator (Faster Pokemon engine)
+2 Uxie (Drop one on your bench and draw up to 7, you can use this in conjunction with communicator for maximum drawing.)
+2 Pokemon Collector (Grab three basic Pokemon, primarily Eevee, Uxie, Blaziken FB)
+1 Bebe's Search (Any type of Pokemon, allows you to reshuffle a junk card in hand)
Hey, I have just built a scizor deck! Very similar list to yours
This is what I use for draw power

+4 Engineers adjustments (discard 1 energy draw 4 cards)
+3 Burned Tower (Stadium - flip coin each turn if heads return basic energy from discard pile)

They seem to work quite well togther, I find it to be good draw power :D but everyone has there own play style!
Thanks a lot for the great help from everyone! I have now recently made changes (check op). I have tried my best to mix and match everyone's suggestions to fit my own playstyle.

I am considering:

+3 Sableye SF
-3 Smeargle UD

Thoughts on this?

I greatly appreciate everyone's contribution! Thank you!
^ in regards to your last post
Sableye would be more consistent, since it relys on whats in your DECK rather than your opponents HAND, most people will run the supporters you want, but they might not have it in there hand. But you know you can always grab what you need from your own deck