My first BR's in MASTERS


Aspiring Trainer
So yeah i decided that for this, based on the results, that BLG was my best option(Blaziken FB-Luxray GL-Garchomp C, you'd be surprised how many times i had to explain what i was playing)
I tweaked the list right before the tourney, taking out a Premier Ball for a Call Energy, because i felt the palmer's was enough. We had 43 masters, 6 rounds T4 cut. I figured i could go about 1-5 to 3-3, if only because i hadn't played in a tourney since states :p
So now onto the report-
Game 1
Me w/ BLG(0-0) vs. Guy w/ Steelix w/ Lanturn tech(0-0)
I got a blaziken FB start to his like triple onix start, he made his goal to take one prize and he did, he KO'd by Blaze FB X w/ a Lanturn Prime. That was it, i used Promocroak to end any hopes of a comeback and won 6-1 in prizes.

So already winning a game i was happy :)
I would NOT go winless.

Game 2
Me w/ BLG(1-0) vs. Andrew w/LuxChomp
This was by far my best game of the day. He gets staraptor start to my Lux GL start, i take a quick 3-1 prize lead but was never able to set up my Garchomp and he takes a one prize lead at 4-3left apiece. I go, i topdeck a Draggy FB and galactic switch KO, a Garchomp C. The game came down to whether or not he had DCE+Gain and he did. So he won 5-4 in prizes. The key play was him spraying my Azelf T1 and my Ambipom G was prized, and i never got a hold of it, had i gotten it i would have won. But GG.

So 1-1 but i played a great game against a good friend and player.

Game 3
Me w/ BLG(1-1) vs. Guy at my league w/ Machamp(1-1)
T1 Champ.
Game over.

So now i lost again but was still confident that i could win another game.

Game 4
Me w/ BLG(1-2) vs. Guy w/ Typholison/Ursaring(1-2)
This guy got T4 recently so i knew it would be a good game and it was. We both get Sableye starts and setup from there we trade prizes for a while, Luxray KO'd Sableye. Promocroak got to Ursaring twice. Then Garchomp C LV.X sniped Ninetales and something else. I won by Luring Flames his Typholison Prime and he didn't have a DCE/Switch and couldn't afterburn so i won when i leveled up the next turn. GG.

So now i'm 2-2 and am thinking about having a winning record :)

Game 5
Me w/ BLG(2-2) vs. Matt Louden w/Vilegar(2-2)
I knew this was bad for me, so i figured i'd lose. But i got an Ambipom start, no DCE and a bunch of other good pokemon, but start w/ A-Pom knowing that's my only way to win anyway. He mulligans 3 times, so i'm like no way he'll get a good start. During those mulligans i draw into a DCE. But he gets on basic and it's ODDISH and i go FIRST FTW!

Yeah, i'm so pro and i also called this when I was talking to Elaine, so it was funny.

I'm like, hey if i go 4-2, i don't completely phail for once :p

Game 6
Me w/ BLG(3-2) vs. Guy w/ Umbreon/Espeon(3-2)
So i saw this guy lose the last game and well this was rough for him. I got setup quick and i never saw and eeveelution hit the board, he also played like 4 crobat so 4 free prizes for me. Sorry man.

So i ended up 4-2 for my first tourney and was happy, if it was a T8 cut i'm pretty sure i would've made it but it was a T4 so i left.

Winning 3 in a row
Playing 2 great games
Blaziken FB
My deck
Nick doing good
Henry getting SECOND again
Andrew for doing good
Playing Draggy+Ambipom

No seeing what won in last round
Ambipom G always being prized(5 games it was)
Losing because Amby was prized
The weather was dreary

I think i'll actually do better in masters only cuz i've been testing more :)
The age jump thing was sad but i still had luxrays aka i can still play ;p
CYA at Chardon.
4-2 for your first BR's in Masters is definitely a very good. Especially for not playing in a tourney since States. Great job.
Yeah, I feel ya. Last week was my first tourny in seniors, and that's a big jump. No offense to juniors.
Gliscor-Thanks. I was actually surprised i did that well too. How did you do? Team Storms FTW!
Laprasman-Sometimes it is, i kinda skipped that jump because i quit for a little bit. Although just make sure to minimize misplays and you'll be fine.(in our area JR-SR was not big jump, Austin still went to worlds and still beat everyone :p
G r e a t J o b ! ! !

I wonder when we'll match up... I'll be playing in N Olmsted...
@C4: I got 5th place (4-1), missing the T4 cut due to a bye and a donk. I was running Abomasnow/Ampharos with a Blaziken FB tech.
Ouch, i hate donks. They are annoying, the donk i had was pure luck, but i hate decks designed to donk.
Hypno i might see you @ N.Olmstead.
Also anyone giving out rides for Sunday's BR?
I think it's Massillon.
Then it's at mansfield :p
W/e i knew it was one of the two.
Also funny i think all the first year masters this year have winning records-
You do(w/authority i might add), i do(surprisingly...) and then Jake went 3-2 yesterday IDK how he did before that.
Are you going to N.Olmstead?

Sunday i lost to Sabledonk and to Chris Fulop's KingChamp...
Sloppy win with the Ambipom donk. Vilegar should be an interesting matchup at least...too bad you played single game and not best of three.
You complain about Amby G being prized? Didn't you run Azelf?
Overall, fun to read this report. BLG is not really my kind of deck, but I might give it a try sometimes.
Yes i rann Azelf but in the game it was crucial to me Azelf got sprayed. The other games my Azelf was prized, just not a good day for Amby and Azelf :p
I'm currently writing an article for Pokegym so if you want to read more about the deck, you'll be able to look there