My First Card


Radioactive cats have 18 half-lives.
Well this is my first card Victini


feel free to leave any comments on it

i did not make the victini though but i think xous did

what are your thoughts?
Gr8Ampharos said:
Well this is my first card Victini


feel free to leave any comments on it

i did not make the victini though but i think xous did

what are your thoughts?

It would have been better as Fire.
Several things:

-Complete Burn requires no Energy. You might need to change that.
-Bench, Pokemon, and Energy are always capitalized.
-You are missing a period after Bench in Complete Burn.
-Your fonts are off. Check out the font guide.
-You did not draw Victini. Xous did.
-It's missing the holo sheet.

So yeah, most of the problems are in the grammar. The fonts being off is understandable. The card effect, however, is really nice. Seems good depending on the cost.
Thanks for all your helpful tips guys

(I was going to make a fire but CMP could only get me a psychic type) thanks guys :)
Sorry -- I was going to make a Fire but I figured Psychic would have a lot more practical application! If you wanted Fire, though, you would've been more than welcome to say something! I'm open to suggestion. :) Although I don't know if I could get a Fire one out in the next few days -- between my set and custom blanks I'm making for Alvin, I'll pretty busy.

Most of the errors were already pointed out by Gliscor, but one thing he didn't mention is that numbers are always used -- not spelled out. So it'd be "move 1 Energy" instead of "move one Energy".
It's pretty good for your first card Gr8Ampharos. I'm very impressed. Gliscor has already explained the
errors. I suggest Here this link if you want the
correct fonts but then again you might have already done so. :D Good Work overall.