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My first deck: Machamp+Dragonite


Aspiring Trainer
I am a newbie at Pokémon-TCG, and have managed to put together a deck that beats my friends' decks (they are also newbies).

I was wondering how I may improve it (other than making an entirely new deck, my resources are limited! And yes, I made this out of a Triumphant Theme deck.

Pokémon (27)
2 Dragonite{C} TU 18
3 Dragonair{C} TU 32
4 Dratini{C} TU 62
1 Pidgeot{C} TU 29
2 Pidgeotto{C} TU 47
2 Pidgey{C} TU 71
2 Machamp{F} TU 26
3 Machoke{F} TU 40
4 Machop{F} TU 67
2 Kangaskhan{C} TU 36
1 Lickilicky{C} TU 38
1 Lickitung{C} TU 66

Trainers/Supporters (12)
2 Twins
2 Interviewer's Questions
1 Professor Oak's New Theory
1 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Life Herb
2 Energy Exchanger
2 Poke Ball

Energy (21)
18 Fighting Energy {F}
3 Rescue Energy {C}

The strategy behind this is... basically... getting tons of energy cards on machamp to do tremendous amount of dmg on the opponent~ lol

This is my current card list, feel free to look and see what other cards I could change with! :D

I was actually thinking maybe to put in a dudrio so I may do harass tactics (special condition attacks) with no retreat cost (-2{C})

Any and all help would be much appreciated!
First of all. You make typicall newbie mistakes, Playing 21 Energy, playing pyramid lines.
Remove the 2-2-1 Pidgeotto and all the other random pokemon except for the Machamp line and Dragonite lines.
Also I recommend playing Machamp SF or Prime. the normal TM is most bad one. I recommend playing 2 Prime and 2 Stormfront.
And make the lines something like this: 4-3-4,4-2-4,3-2-3 etc As long you aren't doing 2-2-1 or 4-3-2.
Try to fit only 14 Energy in the deck by taking Fighting out.
+4 DCE
Both Dragonite and Machamp can abuse DCE which is nice.
+4 Rare Candy, thats why the stage 1 line is less then the basic or stage 2 line because you can skip a stage with Rare Candy.
+3 Pokemon Collector ( Grabs you're basic pokemon)
+1 Uxie LA ( Drawpower)
-2 Poke Ball
-2 Life Herb
-1 Proffesor Elm
+4 Bebe's Search ( Grabs ANY pokemon you want)
+1 Proffesor Oak's.
You can also try to fit in 3/4 Broken Time-space which lets you evolve at any time.
Hope i helped :)
DCE is short for Double Colorless Energy, which is a Special Energy card that provides two Colorless Energy.
There is no way I will be getting "+1 Uxie LA ( Drawpower)".
Could someone recommend a card to replace that one? If you look at my first post, I have posted a link to -ALL- the cards I currently have in possession. Have +500 cards ordered which I haven't received yet. x.x