My First Fake Pokemon Cards


its back boys and girls
Here is Swablu:


I'm still learning, so don't be so down on me. If there are any mistakes, tell me, and I'll get them fixed.

And here is Altaria:


Please rate them and if you see any problems please tell me. I know I do not have the right font, and if that really bothers people, I'll try to get the right font, because I don't think my computer has it.
Their okay but obviously fake. you can tell by the colorless symbol's because they are too big.
Well, of course they're fakes. I do try to make them look real, but these are my first cards, and even experienced fakers have hard times with making fakes look real. These may be my first two cards, but I hope I can get better. By the way, do you know where I can get the energy symbols and Poke-Power and Poke-Body symbols, I'll be needing those.
I think they're a little too strong to be real cards, but fakes can be too strong. So overall, I think they're very good.
That is what is so fun about making fakes. You can make them as weak or as powerful as you want since you are never going to be using it. It is just fun to let your imagination run wild. I like the Altaria better for some reason. Its cooler.

Thanks for the complement.
Thanks PIPLUP. That means a lot. I'll be updating with some new cards soon. And this is going to become a set, with Lv. X's. When I get some more cards done, I'll make a post for the set and I'll hire some people for either Spoilers or Card Makers. What I am really looking for is people who can make good Lv. X's.
They definitely look good as a card. Your attacks are too big in font though, and not centralized. You're also missing the flavor text and other miscellanious stuff.