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my first REAL deck. (needs main pokemon in thread title)


Aspiring Trainer
2x tangrowth
4x tangela
4x excadrill
4x drillbur
1x gigalith
1x roggenrola

4x prof elms
4x pokemon comunication
3x pokeball
2x great ball
2x quick ball
2x energy search
2x energy exchanger
1x interveiwers Qs

7x {G}
16x {F}

okay. point of the deck is to discard energy early in the game, and set up VERRRRYYY fast. i set up fast so i can KO a few week pokemon with tangrowth (my main pokemon) i can have tangrowth atacking on my 2nd turn (if i use tangelas atack which ataches an extra{G}) and excadrill is juss there for a littel more power with a discard. now when theyve built up there main atacker, i have too. gigalith. which gets +20 atack for every{F}. so i can finish strong. point is to discard early, get a few KOs with that, then finish with gigalith. this is my first deck i ever actualy made :)
RE: my first REAL deck.

So first, I would take out 3 Pokeball. They are not too good. Too flippy. I would also take out two energy Search for 1 more interviewers Q and 1 Pokemon Collector. And Quick ball is illegal isn't it? So take out those. If you're planning on attacking with Gigalith, you should strengthen its line. plus 1 Roggenrola and 1 Gigalith, then add two rare candy for speed. I would also add in at least 1 Tangrowth. Then, 23 Energy is way too much. I would take out 2 Grass and 6 Fighting. Then you could also add in 2 Double Colorless Energy as well.
Here's what you have so far
-2 Quick Ball
-2 Energy Search
-3 Pokeball
-2 Grass energy
-5 Fighting Energy

+2 Double Colorless Energy
+ 1 Interviewer
+1 Pokemon Collector
+2 Rare Candy
+1-0-1 Gigalith
+1 Tangrowth

So now we have five open slots left. I would add in 2 more Pokemon Collector for Consistency.
I would also add in two switch, because your Pokemon have pretty high retreat.
The last one is kind of up to you, you could add 1 Energy retriever, Fisherman of Flower Shop Lady.
Total we have:
-2 Quick Ball
-2 Energy Search
-3 Pokeball
-2 Grass energy
-5 Fighting Energy

+2 Double Colorless Energy
+ 1 Interviewer
+3 Pokemon Collector
+2 Rare Candy
+1-0-1 Gigalith
+1 Tangrowth
+2 Switch
+1 Energy retriever, Fisherman, or Flower Shop Lady.

Hope I helped.
RE: my first REAL deck.

I would take out 1 fighting energy, 1 Professor elm's training method, and 2 energy exchanger and add in 3 Professor oaks new theory and 1 cleffa for hand refreshers.