My Holographic Collection ( image heavy )


aka Bawkachu
Don't know. Its nothing too impressive, but I just enjoy collecting. I recently got re-introduced to the cards a month ago, and I just can't stop buying them! D: So, I took pictures of my updated collection of cards, organized by type, hit points and more. ;D

Also included are my reverse foils and normal foils.

I must be a nerd if i'm taking photos of cards ... xD








Pachirisu came seperate ( as a promo ) with a booster pack and a pop 3 series booster. It was for the Diamond and Pearl boosters. I got mine at Target, they always have those kinds hanging around the cash registers. n___n;
And I don't exactly know if i'll ever trade. I've had some bad experiences with trades in the past (IRL) so, yeah. xD I like to hold onto my cards and well, keep it going by buying my own cards.
AnthonyG said:
Pretty nice collection for only being collecting for 1 month.
... i've been collecting for 8 years. xD But I mostly trashed my cards, and only held onto holograms. And then I just started back up again on buying cards a month ago. nn;
Nice cards, I like the Empoleon LV X.... :D

the ultimate master said:
Where did you get these turtwig and piplup from? Iv'e never seen them before

If you realize the attack of Piplup & Turtwig from the picture above is actually the same as the one in DP 1 but I don't know why the image is different...
Wait a sec, one of your Empoleon Lvl X's is a PokePower... I wasn't aware that they fixed the error on future printings. I should of tried harder to get my hands on one of the PokeBody copies, now eBay prices are going to skyrocket! >.<
masterryanx said:
Wait a sec, one of your Empoleon Lvl X's is a PokePower... I wasn't aware that they fixed the error on future printings. I should of tried harder to get my hands on one of the PokeBody copies, now eBay prices are going to skyrocket! >.<

If you have seen Empoleon LV X before, you will realize that the Empoleon LV X with the poke-body is the misprint. The correct name for it is Poke-Power not Poke-Body...
really? o__o; One of the first boosters I got I pulled a Poke-Power one aand two days ago I just pulled the Poke-Body card. Thats weird. :O
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
Nice cards, I like the Empoleon LV X.... :D

the ultimate master said:
Where did you get these turtwig and piplup from? Iv'e never seen them before

If you realize the attack of Piplup & Turtwig from the picture above is actually the same as the one in DP 1 but I don't know why the image is different...

They are promos from the 3 booster pack blisters. n-n
Psychic Pokemon Master said:
masterryanx said:
Wait a sec, one of your Empoleon Lvl X's is a PokePower... I wasn't aware that they fixed the error on future printings. I should of tried harder to get my hands on one of the PokeBody copies, now eBay prices are going to skyrocket! >.<

If you have seen Empoleon LV X before, you will realize that the Empoleon LV X with the poke-body is the misprint. The correct name for it is Poke-Power not Poke-Body...

Why are you correcting me? I had it right. >.>

I just didn't know that PokePower (the non-misprint) versions exist now. I know that the PokeBody versions are misprints, that was common knowledge from day 1 of the set's release.
akida said:
wait ... so which is the misprint? xD

The version with the PokeBody is the misprint. The version with the PokePower is the fixed and correct version.

So save those PokeBody versions, their value is much higher now. ;)