Rayquaza lv.X
So, this is my LuxChomp deck:
2x Luxray GL RR
2x Luxray GL lv.X RR
2x Garchomp C SV
2x Garchomp C lv.X SV
1x Dialga G PT
1x Dialga G lv.X PT
2x Uxie LA
1x Uxie lv.X LA
2x Crobat G PL
1x Lucario GL RR
1x Bronzong G PL
1x Azelf LA
4x Cyrus's Conspiracy
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Bebe's Search
2x Interviewer's Questions
1x Aaron's Collection
3x Energy Gain
4x Power Spray
4x Poke Turn
3x SP Radar
2x Pokemon Communication
1x Energy Exchanger
1x Luxury Ball
3x Lightning Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
4x Call Energy
2x Warp Energy
What do you think? Is there something to take out or put in?
2x Luxray GL RR
2x Luxray GL lv.X RR
2x Garchomp C SV
2x Garchomp C lv.X SV
1x Dialga G PT
1x Dialga G lv.X PT
2x Uxie LA
1x Uxie lv.X LA
2x Crobat G PL
1x Lucario GL RR
1x Bronzong G PL
1x Azelf LA
4x Cyrus's Conspiracy
2x Pokemon Collector
2x Bebe's Search
2x Interviewer's Questions
1x Aaron's Collection
3x Energy Gain
4x Power Spray
4x Poke Turn
3x SP Radar
2x Pokemon Communication
1x Energy Exchanger
1x Luxury Ball
3x Lightning Energy
4x Double Colorless Energy
4x Call Energy
2x Warp Energy
What do you think? Is there something to take out or put in?