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My New Deck! (Persian / Arbok / Wobbufett)

Team Rocket Fan

Team Rocket Lover and Humble Katy Cat!

  • 4x Meowth Noble Victories
    4x Persian Heartgold SoulSilver
    4x Ekans XY
    4X Arbok XY
    2x Chansey Dark Explorers
    2x Wobbuffet EX Legendary Maker

  • 3x Muscle Band
    3x Pokemon Center Lady
    1x Rock Guard
    2x Ceren
    2x Virbank City Gym
    2x Aspertia City Gym
    2x Energy Retrieval
    2x Hypnotoxic Laser
    1x Protect Cube
    2x Giant Cape
    1x Eviolite

  • 7x Psychic
    5x Dark
    2x Double Colorless
    2x Rainbow Energy

Strategy: 4 copies for each of my main lines will help to count on them from the start of the game and the basic pokemon will support. They are preety average.The muscle bands are for hard strikes, the pok.center kadies for full recovery, the rock guard to KO the opposing pokemon easily, Cerens are for a bad hand, the gyms are there to help my pokemon, the energy retrieval to help when run out of energies, the hypnotoxic lazer to really annoy my opponents and lead them to failure, the protect cube is for a Chansey, the giant capes to boost the HP of my pokemon and the eviolite to help Wobbuffet and Chansey survive even more to attack and hit hard. 7 Psychic energy is a nice amount because it's the main energy i need. The 5 Dark energies are here to help Persian hit really hard, the Doubles will really support those normal types and the Rainbows are really good becoming any type of energy I need. A strategy for this deck is to help my pokemon win with even not sooooo hard strikes but average damage and status conditions. Virbank city gym and Hypnotoxic Lazer is a great couple and even if I don't have the chanse to get a Hypnotoxic lazer I can count on Arbok's Poison Jab and then get some hits with eather one of those 4 pokemon to victory.
- Cheren 2
- Giant Cape 2
- Eviolite 1

+ Professor oaks new theory 4 way better than Cheren for bad hands
+ Hypno toxic laser 1 more damage output
hawk45678 said:
- Cheren 2
- Giant Cape 2
- Eviolite 1

+ Professor oaks new theory 4 way better than Cheren for bad hands
+ Hypno toxic laser 1 more damage output

Thanx for the advice! I really appreciate it!