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My new TDK deck


Aspiring Trainer
Hi again, I am here with my new list for TDK ready for the new season. Here is the list I have so far:

  • 4 deoxys EX
  • 2 Thunderus EX
  • 3 kyurem (PLF)
  • 1 Absol (PLF)
  • 3 switch
  • 1 float stone
  • 2 tool scrapper
  • 3 silver bangle
  • 4 pokemon catcher
  • 3 plasma ball
  • 3 colress machine
  • 2 bicycle
  • 1 dowsing machine (ace-spec)
  • 4 N
  • 4 juniper
  • 3 colress
  • 2 skyla
  • 3 frozen city
  • 4 prism
  • 4 plasma
  • 3 blend (WFML)
  • 1 blend (GRPD)

The strategy of this deck is to out speed your opponent from the get go and use kyurem and absol to OHKO all opposing ex's with the help of silver bangle and deoxys.

Card explanations:

1-Absol: Absol is a great attacker all around, especially against the mirror. Even though its a very situational card, it is still a very game changing card with the ability to take 2 prizes off an ex in one attack with the help of deoxys and silver bangle.[/php][/quote][/code]

1-Blend (GRPD): For some this may be a weird inclusion but its a great card for powering up absol and deoxys. Since you only play 4 prisms, getting one out for a absol or deoxys may be tricky so this extra energy card can really help.

3-frozen city: This is a good replacement for virbank city gym which is no longer too useful with the increase of virizion and frozen city is also exceptionally helpful against decks like blastoise/black kyurem and darkrai/hydregion.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Thanks, Jordan