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My (real) Machamp SF Deck (Seniors, Cities)


Mudkips Win
Here it is:

Pokemon: 20
4-3-4 Machamp SF
2-2 Umbreon UD
2-1 Uxie LA
1 Unown Q

Trainers: 30
3 Bebes
3 Pokemon Collector
1 Palmers
4 Pokedrawer +
4 Pokedex HANDY
1 Luxball
4 Rare Candy
3 Pokemon Communication

Energy: 10
8 Fighting
2 Dark

Typical machamp strategy, go fro donk and if that fails swarm with champ. Umbreon for stage 1/2 pokebody/power backup.
Naw bro :)

After lots of testing prime just doesnt work in this deck. And thats what the palmers is for.
Not saying your deck is doomed to fail but based on Machamp's track record, it just won't do consistently well against anything else except SP. The Prime solves that problem, so I reckon you have at least 1 in there.

-1 Machamp SF
+1 Machamp Prime

Take out the Pokedex HANDY. They're decent but not really needed, run Junk Arms to effectively have 6 Pokedrawer+. 3 Rare Candy should suffice cause you also have BTS and sufficient search cards.

-4 Pokedex HANDY
-1 Rare Candy

Replace them with Seeker, for donking, restoring hurt Machamps, and reusing Uxies and Mesprits. Mesprit is really good when timed right, especially if you can't win by donking anyway. It can stop Regimove (slowing down Gyarados), Uxies, and even the important Flash Bite. Looker's is just like PONT, but it allows you to see your opponent's hand, look out for cards like Power Spray, and also disrupt them if you don't need to refresh your own hand. Shuffle away Lv. X, Magikarp and other important cards.

+2 Seeker
+2 Junk Arm
+1 Mesprit
+3 Looker's Investigation

You only run 8 Fighting, so realistically you can only use Take Out and not even guarantee a fast Hurricane Punch if you need to, so that's kinda absurd. Have at least 2 DCE.