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My Swapshop Updated with SV

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Kill the Heretics!
Hello and good day, thanks for taking the time to look at my swapshop. im based in the UK so I would perfer UK trades but theres no reason I cant trade to US however please note, if your sending to UK, it desn't matter which country its to in the Uk, you just have to write "United Kingdom" at the bottom.

If you trade with me, could you throw in any old common and sign it with your username. thanks! :)

CIT (Currently in trade)
RH (Reverse holo)

All Garchomp/Gabite/Gibble Cards and Merchandise
4X Blaziken (PL)
2X Heatran (LA)

2X Unown G
1X Luxray GL
4X Power Spay (PL)
3X SP radar (SV)
1X Drifblim Fb (SV)
1 Toxicroak G Promo
1 Uxie (LA)
2X Claydol (GE)
2X Balltoy (GE)
10X Basic dark NRG


1 Absol lv.X (SV)
1 Gallade lv.X (RR)
1 Luxray GL lv.X (RR)
1 Blaziken FB lv.X (SV)
1 Surfing pikachu (RR)
1 Frost Rotom (SV)
1 Shiny Yanma (SV)
1 Shiny Relicanth (SV)

1 Empleon lv.X (tin promo)
1 Heatran lv.X (tin Promo)
1 Infernape lv.X (tin promo)
1 Shaymin lv.X (Sky form)
1 Darkrai lv.X (tin promo)
1 Dusknoir lv.X (SF)
1 Gold Star Gyrados (Holon Pantoms) (CIT)

Supreme victors
1 Blaziken FB (RH)
2 Hochkrow
3 Absol
1 Rhyperior
2 Magmortar
1 Swampert
1 Venusaur
1 Solrock (RH)
1 Butterfre FB
1 Articuno
3 Relicanth (grand swell 1 RH)
1 Dewgong
1 Lickilicky C
1 Lucario C (RH)
1 Primape
1 Relicanth

Rising Rivals
1 Gallade (RH)
2 Heracross E4
1 Arcanine (RH)
1 Espeon [4]
1 Hippodon (RH)
2 Bronzong (1RH)
1 Mr-mine
1 Raichu
1 Walrein
1 Gastrodon (east)
3 Gastrodon (west) (2RH)
1 Frostlass (RH)
1 Nidoking
1 Rampidos (RH)
1 Lucario G (holo)
1 Mamoswine (RH)
2 Rhyperior

2 Giratina 9 (holo)
2 Blastiose (holo)
1 Muk
3 Gyarados G
1 Bastidon
1 Dugtrio (RH)

2 Rapidash
3 Abomasnow
1 Sceptile (RH)
1 Salamance
1 Infernape
1 Mangezone (Lightning)
1 Drifblm
2 Drapion
2 Dusknoir [1]( Holo)
1 Bronzong
1 Skuntank
1 Mamoswine

Legends awakened
1 Armaldo
2 Vileplume
2 Heatran
2 Vileplume
2 Groundon (1 RH)
2 Ditto
1 Deoxys (speed form)
1 Deoxys (defence form)
1 Cradily
1 Forretress
1 Yanmega
1 Metagross
1 Torkoal

Majestic Dawn
1 Glaceon [26] (Holo)
2 Empoleon

Secret Wonders
1 Ampharos
1 Electrode

Mysterious Treasures
1 Bronzong (RH)
1 Nidoqueen
1 Bastidon

Diamond and pearl
1 Dusknoir

Staple trainers
1 Lake Boundary (RH)
3 Bebe search
1 Snowpoint (RH)
6 Dusk ball
4 Poke-draw (1RH)
3 TS-1
4 Sunnyshore Gym
2 Level Max
1 Looker's Invesigation
4 Poke-Radar
5 Great ball
2 Luxury ball
4 Poke Blower
5 Warp points
3 Aaron's
3 Volkner's

Revese holos
Berthas Warmth (RR)
Alakazam (RR)
Staryu (RR)
Underground Expedition (RR)
Flints willpower (RR)
Nidoran male (RR)
Aron (RR)
Snorelax [33] (RR)
Koffing (RR)
Whiscash (RR)
Chatot (SV)
Minun (SV)
Potion (SF)
Magneton (SF)
Voltorb (SF)
Duskull (SF)

1 Skuntank
1 Zapdos
1 Articuno
1 Dugtrio
1 Omastar
1 Jigglypuff
1 Marrowack
1 Regice
1 Vapoen
1 Pikachu
1 Jolteon
1 Gloom
1 Vileplume
1 Dragonair

If you dont see anything you want just ask, I might have it :)
also please note I send all my cards in toploaders (2 cards per toploader) please try and do the same.
RE: W: Garchomp's/Claydoll and more H: lots!!

Approved. Please read the rules if you have not already done so.


RE: W: Garchomp's/Claydoll and more H: lots!!

Do you have any Energy Gain, or Cyrus conspiracy???
RE: W: Garchomp's/Claydoll and more H: lots!!

AnthonyG said:
Approved. Please read the rules if you have not already done so.



Already done, thanks for approving me :)

shadoworganoid said:
Do you have any Energy Gain, or Cyrus conspiracy?

I do, there in my deck atm. what would you offer for them ?
RE: W: Garchomp's/Claydoll and more H: lots!!

1X Umbreon(MD)
3X Jolteon (RR)
1X Bedrill (GE)
1X Mismagus holo (RR)
2X Drifblim Fb
1X Vibrava (RR)
2X Rosanne's
4X Power Spay (PL)

Those are from your "wants". I have all of those.

Since you want those, I suppose there must be somthing we can work out.
RE: W: Garchomp's/Claydoll and more H: lots!!

shadoworganoid said:
1X Umbreon(MD)
3X Jolteon (RR)
1X Bedrill (GE)
1X Mismagus holo (RR)
2X Drifblim Fb
1X Vibrava (RR)
2X Rosanne's
4X Power Spay (PL)

Those are from your "wants". I have all of those.

Since you want those, I suppose there must be somthing we can work out.

Im very loathed to get rid of my gains and cyrus, is there anything else you like on my list?
RE: My Swapshop, H: lots of SV/RR cards!

Plz, CML for Gold Star Gyarados.

I have 1 googleeane and 1 Jolteon RR, Check for more
RE: My Swapshop, H: lots of SV/RR cards!

Alex13 said:
please, CML for Gold Star Gyarados.

I have 1 googleeane and 1 Jolteon RR, Check for more

Nothing I want that makes up to the value of the gyra. sorry.
RE: My Swapshop, H: lots of SV/RR cards!

crm103top08 said:
Flygon RR
Nidoqueen RR
Salamence SF
2 snowpoint temple
2 warp point

2x Jolteon RR
1x Vibrava RR
1x Mismagius RR

LMK or counter

How about 2 warp points and mance for mismagus (if its holo and not rev holo) and brava ?
RE: My Swapshop, H: lots of SV/RR cards!

CML me for Lucario C and Palkia G

RE: My Swapshop, H: lots of SV/RR cards!

Tristan said:
CML me for Lucario C and Palkia G


Driflblim FB RH for my RH Lucario C ?
the palkia is currently in a trade sorry. :(

p8ntchucker7 said:
Hey. Can you please cml for 4 warp points? Thanks!

Did not see anything apart for the rare candys, sorry. :(

1Pokemon_Master said:
hi, please CML for

1 Empleon lv.X (tin promo)
1 Heatran lv.X (tin Promo)
1 Infernape lv.X (tin promo)
1 Shaymin lv.X (Sky form)
1 Surfing pikachu (RR repirnt)
1 Shiny Duskull (SF) (CIT)
1 Gold Star Gyrados (Holon Pantoms)
1 Crawdaunt ex (Holon Pantoms) (CIT)


Did not see anything, what level X do you have ?
RE: My Swapshop, H: lots of SV/RR cards!

One of the Rare Candies I have is from Emerald, and it has some small black spots on it. Nothing major, but I can't claim that it is mint. I could trade that for 4 Warp Points.
RE: My Swapshop, H: lots of SV/RR cards!

p8ntchucker7 said:
One of the Rare Candies I have is from Emerald, and it has some small black spots on it. Nothing major, but I can't claim that it is mint. I could trade that for 4 Warp Points.

Just the one rare candy ?
dont spose you have a picture of the card with the black spot xD
RE: My Swapshop, H: lots of SV/RR cards!

Well a rare candy is worth 5 or 6x what warp points are worth. Unfortunately no, I don't have a picture. They are small black specks scattered around. That's the best description I can give. It is still very playable though.
RE: My Swapshop, H: lots of SV/RR cards!

p8ntchucker7 said:
Well a rare candy is worth 5 or 6x what warp points are worth. Unfortunately no, I don't have a picture. They are small black specks scattered around. That's the best description I can give. It is still very playable though.

is there anything you want for the second one ?
its pointless me just having one.

sorry no, two rares for a rare and uncommon is not worth it.
RE: My Swapshop, H: lots of SV/RR cards!

Nah, I'm really only looking for my wants. To be honest, I don't know if you have enough to trade for 2 rare candies from most people. They are rather hard to get. I ended up with these two from trading someone a Gardevoir Lv X. Just let me know if you are interested or not, thanks!
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