Experience: Intermediate
Pokemon 20
Trainers 31
Energy 9
Strategy Same strategy as most item lock decks featuring accelgor, but with more options in case the accelgor strategy won't work. The main thing is that trevenant can use tree slam if it needs to (not a bad attack on top of the item lock). It can also use Phantump's astonish with Celebi for some hand disruption. This has actually been a very effective strategy in the two games I've played with this deck on playtcg.
Deck's not perfect. I could probably cut back on some evolution lines and search cards in favor of a couple virbank to manipulate poison damage and a superrod or two to recover things late game. Other than that, it seems to run fine.
Pokemon 20
- 4-4 Trevenant (Item Lock)
- 3-2 Accelgor (Attacker)
- 2-2 Electrode (Draw)
- 2 Mew EX (More Attack Power)
- 1 Celebi EX (Astonish)
Trainers 31
- 4 Professor Juniper (Draw)
- 4 N (Draw)
- 2 Skyla (Search)
- 2 Colress (Draw)
- 4 Ultra Ball (Search)
- 4 Level Ball (Search)
- 4 Float Stone (Retreat)
- 1 Switch (Retreat)
- 1 Dowsing Machine (Late Game Wild Card)
- 2 Tool Scrapper (Against Garbodor)
- 2 Pokemon Catcher (Good card even with the coin flip)
- 1 Silver Mirror (It actually won me a game against a plasma deck on playtcg)
Energy 9
- 4 DCE
- 5 Psy
Strategy Same strategy as most item lock decks featuring accelgor, but with more options in case the accelgor strategy won't work. The main thing is that trevenant can use tree slam if it needs to (not a bad attack on top of the item lock). It can also use Phantump's astonish with Celebi for some hand disruption. This has actually been a very effective strategy in the two games I've played with this deck on playtcg.
Deck's not perfect. I could probably cut back on some evolution lines and search cards in favor of a couple virbank to manipulate poison damage and a superrod or two to recover things late game. Other than that, it seems to run fine.