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My Test out Normal Deck


Aspiring Trainer
  • 1 Tornadus EXPF or LugiaEX PS (A heavy Hitter)
  • 2 Bouffalant DRX (EX protection plan)
  • 3 Mincinno LT (Helps get what I need)
  • 3 Cincinno LT (A chance Protection Pokemon)
  • 2 Ruffet DRX (Helps finds things)
  • 2 Braivery DRX (Another Hevy hitter, but Chance related)
  • 1 Druddigon LT (I actually won a battle with him in a practice match with no Energy out.)

  • 4 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 2 Super Rod (Grabs evo's or energy I need and help keeps deck full late game)
  • 2 Level Ball (Grabs pokemon I need)
  • 3 Energy Switch (Helps move the low energy around)
  • 4 Colress Machine (Get's me the energy for my EX)
  • 2 Tierno
  • 4 N
  • 1 Prof. Juniper (Only one just cause it's nice late game)
  • 3 Aspertia City Gym (Boosts all the pokemon's HP)
  • 3 Champions Festival (Heals damage is I got a full Bench)
  • 3 Eviolite (I wasn't sure if I needed this)
  • 1 Life's Dew (Makes my EX cards worth a normal pokemon to my opponent)

  • 4 DCE
  • 4 Plasma Energy
  • 6 Fairy Energy (Just like the art)

Alright, so the main thing I based it around was Mincinno at first, the plan was get it out there, let it absorb the damage, set up a Big hitter, then beat away. Mincinno itself can hit for 100 per turn. Two turns bye bye EX's.

Braivery is an optional big hitter, but it's to chancy as it can do 0 to 150 damage. I was thinking of adding Fliptini in just because of that though.

Tornadius EX was my supposed to be my big hitter of a max of 180 damage per turn and 200 HP do to the gym. He also supplies a brand new hand in late games. Only thing is I was thinking maybe I should replace him with Lugia EX..

Bouffalant is like I said a for sure Protection Plan agianst EX's

Druddigon is a filler I was unsure what else to put in and I lacked a few cards so I added him in. I kinda like the rough skin ability too.
I like the idea. Cincinno plus hypnotoxic laser is a super staller. That sounds good so i guess ill keep the lines.

This deck has too many attackers. Braviary doesnt even hit that hard eithout fliptini unless you're super confident on your coin-flipping or dice-rolling skills. I would suggest to take it out and replace it with another main attacker.

Tornadus EX plasma is not so great to rely on. You get 4 plasma energy on it and if it gets knocked out, theres no way for you to recover him back. Especially the plasma energies. Same goes for lugia although its easier to recover a lugia. Consider tornadus EX LT. It hits 60 on T1, 100 on T2, and its not plasma so is not stopped by mirrors.
6 stadiums is just too much. And you definitely need more draw supporters.

- 2-2 braviary line
-1 druddigon
-3 energy switch
-3 champions festival (i dont think its much use imo)
-1 life dew (there are better ace specs, like:
+1 computer search/dowsing machine)
+3 juniper
+2 tierno/colress/bianca/skyla(skyla is preferred)
+1 tool scrapper
+1 tornadus EX PLF
+2 tornadus EX LT
+2 ultra ball (you just need them)

Bear in mind that lugia EX's overflow does not work if the pokemon got KO'd by poison. I'd go with tornadus EX PLF in this case.