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My Version of UmbreTar 1.0 (Umbreon UD/T-Tar Prime for States)


Aspiring Trainer
Always loved Tyranitar in the game, so did some research and came up with this list. Want to make it better please, as I'm thinking about running this for my states.

3-3-3 Tyranitar (ul-ul-prime)
2-2 Umbreon (rr-ud)
1-1 Blissey PL
4 Sableye SF
2 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Unown Q


3 Pokemon Collector
3 Bebe's Search
2 Seeker
2 Copycat
2 Judge
1 Palmer's Contribution

2 Pokemon Communication
2 Warp Point
2 Rare Candy
2 Expert Belt
1 Luxury Ball

4 Special {D}
4 {D}
4 {C}{C}

Strategy: use ttar prime as the main attacker for the deck with sableye as the ideal starter to use "impersonate" and get to my supporters and get set-up asap. Umbreon is there as a distupter and as a secondary attacker, while I use the fairies to help get to what I need faster. T-Tar prime makes for some decent spread damage, while the it also makes a huge beatstick against most pokemon in the game right now, and can OHKO a lot of things with its "Megaton Tail" attack.

any help that could be provided would be GREATLY appreciated!!!!!
I like this list. You know how this deck is supposed to be run. I think you should try Judge out. It is an excellent disruption card and has tested well for me. I'm not sure about seeker myself. I did test it to a degree of success but it just wasn't good enough for my tastes.
maybe drop a Seeker and either the palmer's or an energy (ick...) for 2 judge? I kinda want to have the ability to to use the seekers to help heal a TTar in addition to the Nidoqueen RR. With BTS in the deck i can pick it up and lay it back down. though....most opponents play with seeker....so i'm still torn. i love the card and i want to have room for at least 2 in here for sure.
I've tested Nidoqueen RR in my build of this deck however it does nothing against LostGar which is why I'm running a 2-2 Honchkrow SV tech (hit Gengar Prime for Weakness) and Regice LA to discard Pokemon from getting Hurled into Darkness by Gengar Prime.

My version also runs Spiritomb AR over Sableye SF though it's a preference choice, If LostGar isn't popular in your metagame (most likely should be) then go with the 1-0-1 Nidoqueen RR line for Maternal Comfort. I just noticed that you are running Regice LA for against LostGar nice. I still think you're better off with Honchkrow over Nidoqueen though.

If you want you could get away with a 2-2 Absol G Lv. X line.
As I know Honchkrow SV hits Gengar Prime for weakness, but then again...so does Umbreon AND T-Tar (both dark) do the same thing. While the Nidoqueen does nothing against LostGar, it does help to reduce some damage if i decide to go for some spread damage if i get an early TTar. I tried spiritomb, but i'd rather play the sableye for a possibility of the donk as well as having (what i think is) the best starter in the game. I might consider replacing the Nidoqueen with a 1-1 Honchkrow SV, but right now i just need to test it more.
Sableye is a fantastic opening in this deck. Keep it in over Spiritomb, though tomb isn't bad either. I think you should tech a psychic energy so you can attack with nidoqueen, as she can serve to be a decent Machamp counter.
I would run Judge over Copycat.

In my recent thread, people have told me to remove Regice so perhaps that is something you could consider too.

Everything else looks solid.