My Winning Cities Report


T16 Worlds 2012
I woke up in the morning, took a shower and played Maple Story a little in our hotel room. We all left around 10 to go to Panera foe Bagels, I put my bite plate(like a retainer) in a napkin and accidentally threw it away so I had to fish through the trash can(eww). We got there at around 11:30 and I deck checked. Then I watched Andrew play Mario and Luigi Bowser's Inside Story. We finally got the pairings up and it's 3 rounds no cut. I'm against Andrew.

Round 1: Andrew duLuard (DialgaChomp)

I start with Garchomp and he starts with Crobat. There's a lot of back and forth prize drawing until the end when I snipe both of his benched chomps and Bright Look up a bat for the win.

Me: 1-0

Round 2: Nolan Frieda (Gyrados)

I start with bat and he starts with carp. He uses spray splash but fails. I wif on the basic to donk him soI call for a Chomp and a Lux. He draws into a sableye and does some junk but wifs on the energy so uses spray splash. I claw swipe hipe then snipe his Azelf the next turn. He kills my chomp X with Gyra so I poison him with crobat and trash bolt to take 2 cuz he's belted. I just snipe and Bright Look the last for the last prizes.


Round 3: Adler Pierce (Luxchomp)

I started with Uxie and he started with Chomp I think. I go fist and call for a chomp and a Dragonite FB. He starts and does some stuff, but cant get the DCE so ends. I lv Up my Uxie and DCE the Chomp to kill the active. A lot of back and fort, he gets out the Mewtwo late game cuz the X is prized and I just snipe and Bright look around it.


I win, Adler is second, and Andrew is 3rd

Adler's B-Day
Adler for taking me
Luck sacking
2 of the new play mats in 2 days
Ohio domination
Andrew for being the only quiet person in the car
I'm a Snake(Hiss Hiss)

Mountain Dew crash
Andrew not winning one this weekend(yet)
Having to play my 2 friends
Car spaz
Great job to you and your crew this weekend! Hopefully we'll see all of y'all at some more events!

bowser's inside story <3

start with bat and he starts with carp. He uses spray splash but fails.
Spray Splash is the Poke-Power of Kingdra Prime. You're thinking of Sea Spray. :p
I think if you had donked that Karp things might have been faster there, and less frustrating. By the way, you were running Luxchomp, yes?
Yeah, I was running Lux. I really only needed any pokemon at all, cuz I had a communication and a DCE in hand.
Man, I did the retainer thing once, after a Cities...


Nice win. Kind of interesting that you poisoned with Crobat, but to each his own, I guess.
People use crobat... For example donphan matchup. Also it was my best choice cuz I needed an extra turn for lux
@Zangoose: Retainer lisp can wear off in as little as a week; I should know, I have one myself and have worn it for years.
No, Adler's B-Day was on the Tuesday after and He had beat me the day before in TC so it was even