Um. There's your issue. I am not "bashing your video". I am offering constructive criticism in places that you need to improve to have a polished product. If you want to help people, you need good quality decks to review. That Tyram deck... not good quality by any stretch. I've seen many-a-Tyram and that isn't one of the better ones I have. As I said before, you are going to need better equipment if you are going to have a polished product. Sorry, but that is just the way it is. I had trouble watching the entire videos. The sound hurt my ears and it was difficult to see any of the visuals. I can't see this going anywhere unless you are willing to invest time into editing and money into recording products.
Your response suggests that you are not the right type to be doing these types of videos. To claim such a post as mine as "bashing" shows that you are unable to recognize constructive responses from nonconstructive responses. Plus, it is not like my concerns were invalid. Look at all of the good youtubers from Jwittz to Nigahiga. They all have one thing in common: polish. Your videos cannot be polished without proper equipment (even low-end equipment is better than nothing).
Also, for the sake of contrarianism, you are a week older than I am, and yet I have a job. You are not too young to get a job...