Mybb down?

-Dialga Master-

Aspiring Trainer
Whenever I try to go to one of my forums or another Mybb forum it says it has too low of memory. Help! P. S. Is anyone else getting this problem?

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
5 - Out of memory (Needed 1677600 bytes)
SELECT m.*, u.username, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup FROM pokeverse_moderators m LEFT JOIN pokeverse_users u ON (m.uid=u.uid) ORDER BY u.username

Please contact the MyBB Group for support.
It works for me just fine. Check to see if it your RAM, and clear all your cookies and cache.
Hmm, I've been getting the same error. Not sure exactly why... hoepfully it will be fixed shortly. :D
I had that problem yesterday, but I went back to the previous page, then tried to go to the other page and it worked.
Now it's happening to me for the first time today. -_-
It is happening on CreateMyBB3 for me. -_-
This is what it says:
MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
5 - Out of memory (Needed 1676920 bytes)
SELECT s.sid, s.ip, s.uid, s.time, s.location, s.location1, u.username, u.invisible, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup FROM pokemoncentral_sessions s LEFT JOIN pokemoncentral_users u ON (s.uid=u.uid) WHERE s.time>'1249932061' ORDER BY u.username ASC, s.time DESC
I'm getting that problem and was going to post it but you beat me to it. PokeBeach and PokeGym works fine for me though. And the are MyBB forums I believe.
Bob Franklin said:
I'm getting that problem and was going to post it but you beat me to it. PokeBeach and PokeGym works fine for me though. And the are MyBB forums I believe.

Pokegym isn't...atleast not that I know of. But they all run on different servers anyway, these run on servers using files and items, however, for createmybb you have no access to the files and everything is controlled mostly by the createmybb team. So during this time it is to my assumption they are closing createmybb, or there server memory is to big and they need to increase the servers bandwidth.
I am having the same problem. Everytime i try to go on the site it says the exact same thing. It could be just a small problem but who knows?
Ah, what a bummer. Whether it was an overload or closing, I hope they would just get it done soon, especially with thousands of people waiting on them.