I wouldn't run it over N, for a couple reasons. Obviously, N is better early game because you're guaranteed for 5/6 cards, but I don't think that's what N is used for. N is used to force my opponent to shuffle in. Make them go find the Lysandre again, take their 8 card hand and put it down to 4, etc. That's something PBO can't duplicate.
I *would* however, consider playing it if I was running Shauna in a deck. I don't, atm, because I like colress way way more, but pretend that I was. I think PBO's potential 2-card upside compared to only a 1-card downside makes it worth it, but that's just me. Again, I don't play Shauna in any decks because I think Colress is much better, but if you are playing Shauna, consider PBO over this card instead.