Silhouette Gloom of the Sundown Lands
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Post in this thread if you'd like your name changed.
Rules involving name changes (these are not all inclusive and will change as I think of them):
1. One change every six months.
2. New members (less than a week old) get one free change on the house during that week.
3. Changes in capitalization or spelling do not count towards your one change.
4. Adding or subtracting any characters does count towards your one change.
5. Keep it clean.
6. Special characters are allowed, within reason.
List of changes and date new change is allowed
Secretsof2113 -> BlackstarBatty (December 19, 2024)
Caine -> Linkin Karp (March 12, 2025)
IRN-MEW --> Dredfraw (April 29, 2025)
Sychotix -> LawrySauce (May 1, 2025)
Rules involving name changes (these are not all inclusive and will change as I think of them):
1. One change every six months.
2. New members (less than a week old) get one free change on the house during that week.
3. Changes in capitalization or spelling do not count towards your one change.
4. Adding or subtracting any characters does count towards your one change.
5. Keep it clean.
6. Special characters are allowed, within reason.
List of changes and date new change is allowed
Secretsof2113 -> BlackstarBatty (December 19, 2024)
Caine -> Linkin Karp (March 12, 2025)
IRN-MEW --> Dredfraw (April 29, 2025)
Sychotix -> LawrySauce (May 1, 2025)
The Rhyperior -> N's Rhyperior (January 26, 2022)
Lord o da rings -> Lorde (January 26, 2022)
TeamAqua4Life #HEYNICK -> Nick Tornell (January 27, 2022)
Fiery_Lugia -> FrostyLily (January 27, 2022)
Jadethepokemontrainer -> JadeGemTM (January 27, 2022)
James Sena -> xSENAx (July 18, 2022)
Fangarde -> Gardy (July 24, 2022)
AshCo -> Scoop (September 25, 2022)
eef -> gentlefeather (October 7, 2022)
Prometheus -> Zangetsu (February 17, 2023)
Pure Essence -> Anime Psyclone (March 6, 2023)
Tails -> StarlightSearcher (March 19, 2023)
4aScoobySnack -> Pokéfather (May 18, 2023)
pokemon64 -> DuoForce (March 1, 2024)
CardPone -> Pone (July 17, 2024)
Shinxed3 -> ShinxieDim (August 13, 2024)
TheFlyingPidove -> qrorohill (September 23, 2024)
Zangetsu -> Aoki (September 27, 2024)
TheMaskedMeowth -> madibye (October 16, 2024)
Lord o da rings -> Lorde (January 26, 2022)
TeamAqua4Life #HEYNICK -> Nick Tornell (January 27, 2022)
Fiery_Lugia -> FrostyLily (January 27, 2022)
Jadethepokemontrainer -> JadeGemTM (January 27, 2022)
James Sena -> xSENAx (July 18, 2022)
Fangarde -> Gardy (July 24, 2022)
AshCo -> Scoop (September 25, 2022)
eef -> gentlefeather (October 7, 2022)
Prometheus -> Zangetsu (February 17, 2023)
Pure Essence -> Anime Psyclone (March 6, 2023)
Tails -> StarlightSearcher (March 19, 2023)
4aScoobySnack -> Pokéfather (May 18, 2023)
pokemon64 -> DuoForce (March 1, 2024)
CardPone -> Pone (July 17, 2024)
Shinxed3 -> ShinxieDim (August 13, 2024)
TheFlyingPidove -> qrorohill (September 23, 2024)
Zangetsu -> Aoki (September 27, 2024)
TheMaskedMeowth -> madibye (October 16, 2024)