Discussion Nathan Kaplan Baby Blacephalon????


Aspiring Trainer
Hi all. I hope everyone has been following the NAIC madness this weekend. I am very interested in Nathan Kaplan's Baby Blowns deck. He apparently also did well at Origins with a Baby Blowns deck yet I cannot find any info on the list or at least which build he used, Greens or Jirachi or someother version.

I really like this deck and have been trying to perfect my build. I currently use the Jirachi version as I find it better able to respond to Judge and Let Loose but still have some issues with consistency.

Does anyone know if Kaplan's list is somewhere on the internet or did anyone on the forum play against him at any of the two events? If this is not an appropriate query then I apologize.

I would be really interested to see his list, not to copy but to get another take on I deck I really enjoy playing.

As he has had great results with his build I am intrigued as to what techs and counts he he using.

I hope all that completed at NAIC had a great experience, I am jealous I was not able to participate.
Hey! I'm Nathaniel, my list is up on the Pokémon website here:


And don't be afraid to copy lists! This is a modified version of a list I ripped off someone who got top 64 at a regionals with the deck. The stigma against netdecking is dumb.

In general, this deck doesn't need techs. You're a one-prize attacker that one-shots the entire format--if you're consistent, you'll beat everything. The only autoloss is Vileplume, which isn't very popular and you're going to lose to it anyway even if you tech for it. The Jirachi version is bad because you need very specific things every turn, and a Cynthia + Stellar Wish isn't finding you that. Only Green's will.
@Blah - I love the deck list. It's nearly identical (except for the Bill's) to the one my (7 year old) son loves to play. He's so excited you piloted it to two great finishes after he had fun at Madison with it (3-4 record which is pretty good for 7 years old!) and has a > 50% win rate against me with it :)
Oh yeah, no Cynthia for sure. I don't have the list in front of me but I think it may have a Lillie instead (and something else instead of Lusamine now that I look at that; while Lusamine has some use we never really ran into the use cases in mid-range Juniors so we got rid of it). Maybe a Red's? I forget.