

Aspiring Trainer
I know the National tournamnent will be in Indy this year which is only about a 4 hour drive for me. When is the National tournamnet? Do I need a certain amount of points to play at the National Tournament? And if I do need a certain amount of points, how many points do I get for each tournamnet I play in? I have only been able to play a couple of tournamnets this year and I have only 5 points but I will be starting a new job soon and will have weekends off again and I want to play more and be involved in more competitive events. Thanks for your help in advance.
Nationals is the weekend of July 4th. There is not requirement for Championship points, but you need to have at least 10 Play! Points to register. Play! points are earned simply by attending League and events. Most events just give one point, but Regbonals and States give more. You can check your Play! and Championship points by signing into and clicking "My Play! Pokemon Page."
Darn I dont think I will be able to get enough play points by then. I have only been able to get 5 so far. I guess I will be waiting until next season to get into the competitve scene more. Thank you for the Info.